MAGA in the States: Trump’s MAGA Republicans Humiliate Themselves to Fall in Line with Trump

MAGA Republicans’ chaos was on full display across the country this past week as they defended Trump’s offensive comments and bent their party rules to remain in lockstep with their extreme leader. All the while, Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans across the country continue to push their extreme anti-reproductive freedom agenda forward – regardless of the consequences for women.

Take a look at the latest:

MAGA Republicans stumbled into another self-inflicted wound of embarrassment as news broke that multiple GOP state party bylaws prohibit support for political candidates with felony convictions. 

Nevada Independent: “Nevada GOP’s bylaws bar support for convicted felons. It made an exception for Trump.”

“The Nevada Republican Party’s bylaws explicitly prevent it from supporting convicted felons, but the party made a special exception for former President Donald Trump, who was convicted last week of 34 felony charges.

“The party is actively promoting a Trump campaign rally scheduled in Las Vegas this weekend and even went so far as to issue a statement defending Trump after the conviction was announced.”

Washington Examiner: “Why Nevada Republicans had to carve out an exception to rules to support Trump”

“Nevada’s Republican Party is waiving its bylaws so party faithful can support former President Donald Trump, now a convicted felon, in his reelection bid.

“Article 16 of the Nevada GOP’s bylaws states that it ‘shall neither recognize nor support any candidate for public office who has been convicted of a felony or, while serving in a public office, was impeached and convicted or removed from office for any reason.’ 

“Michael McDonald, the chairman of the Nevada Republican Party, confirmed the announcement. In a text message, McDonald wrote that Nevada’s GOP would rally behind Trump as Republicans’ presumptive nominee, saying the GOP board had met to make the exception to its bylaws.”

NBC News: “Vermont GOP rules bar it from promoting any candidate who is a ‘convicted felon’

“The Vermont Republican Party is prohibited from backing a candidate with a felony conviction, according to the party’s publicly posted rules. That is now a bit of a problem, since the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was recently convicted on 34 felony counts.”

WPTZ: “Vermont GOP faces questions on whether they can publicly support Donald Trump”

Wisconsin Republicans scrambled to clean up Trump’s mess after Trump sparked outrage by calling Milwaukee, Wisconsin – where the RNC will hold its 2024 convention this summer – a “horrible city.”

Raw Story: “Wisconsin Republicans scramble to clean up after Trump trashes Milwaukee”

“Republican lawmakers scrambled to clean up the mess after Donald Trump trashed Milwaukee as a ‘horrible city.’

“The presumptive GOP nominee slandered the host city for this summer’s Republican National Convention during a meeting Thursday on Capitol Hill with the party’s House delegation, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that lawmakers appeared to be caught off guard by the bombshell that Punchbowl News dropped into the news cycle.

“GOP members of Wisconsin’s congressional delegation offered varying reactions to Trump’s remark, which came five days before he is scheduled to hold a campaign rally in nearby Racine.”

Wisconsin Examiner: “Trump tells House Republicans Milwaukee is a ‘horrible city’”

“In response to the comment, Democrats said if Trump doesn’t like Milwaukee, he doesn’t need to come. 

“‘If Donald Trump hates Milwaukee so much, we have one message for him: don’t come, we won’t miss you — your campaign is barely here in the first place,’ Democratic National Committee spokesperson Addy Toevs said in a statement. ‘In November, Wisconsinites will show Trump how the dislike is mutual and will reject him again once and for all.’”

MAGA Republicans continue to crusade against women’s reproductive rights, trying to take away even more of their freedoms.

Associated Press: “Donald Trump tells a group that calls for banning all abortions to stand up for ‘innocent life’”

“Donald Trump on Monday urged a staunchly anti-abortion Christian group to stand up for ‘innocent life,’ ambiguously revisiting an issue that Democrats want to make a focus of this year’s presidential election.”


“Trump has repeatedly taken credit for the overturning of a federally guaranteed right to abortion — having nominated three of the justices who overturned Roe v. Wade.”


“‘Four more years of Donald Trump means empowering organizations like The Danbury Institute who want to ban abortion nationally and punish women who have abortions,’ said Sarafina Chitika, a spokesperson for Biden’s campaign. ‘Trump brags that he is responsible for overturning Roe, he thinks the extreme state bans happening now because of him are ‘working very brilliantly,’ and if he’s given the chance, he will sign a national abortion ban. These are the stakes this November.’”

AFP: “Texas towns try to close roads to abortion-seekers”

“‘About a dozen other jurisdictions in Texas have passed so-called abortion travel bans — the work of ‘religious extremists,’ says Harper Metcalf, of the Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance.

“The proposal in Amarillo would allow private citizens to sue anyone transporting a pregnant woman seeking an abortion, rather than having local authorities enforce the ban.


“‘They are meant to sow confusion and to create fear and uncertainty, and keep people from talking to their neighbors and their friends when they need help,’ Metcalf told AFP.”

News & Observer: “Ad quotes Robinson on abortion: women should ‘keep your skirt down.’ What else he said.”

“‘Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers. It’s about killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down,’ a video clip of Robinson on Facebook Live shows.


“‘It’s about killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down or your pants up — and not get pregnant by your own choice, because you felt like getting your groove thing on. And now instead of taking care of that child, you want to kill that child so your life can go on, being on easy street and you can keep running to the club every Friday night.’”

Texas Signal Media: “Threats To IVF In Texas”

“Outside of the North Texas embryo case, the threats to IVF are also emanating from the anti-abortion wing of the Republican Party. A shocking video from earlier this year showed several Republican elected officials from Hood County, including a county GOP chair and a constable, attending a meeting from Abolish Abortion Texas, a radical anti-abortion group whose director said IVF should be considered ‘murder.’ At the same meeting, he also said that emergency contraception is an abortion (it is not).


“Cruz has voted twice against the Access to Family Building Act in the Senate, a more comprehensive IVF protection bill.”