MAGA Republicans Embarrassingly Admit Their Latest Political Stunt Is Another Flop
June 15, 2023

After promising “cataclysmic” evidence as part of their latest political charade, MAGA Republicans are now admitting that they don’t know if their so-called bombshell even exists. Republicans continue to waste the American people’s time and taxpayer money to shamelessly push baseless claims and debunked conspiracies while casting doubt on their own fact-free attacks.
MAGA Republican leadership — including the chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees — embarrassingly tried to create a frenzy over an unverified tip from the FBI, but quickly walked back and cast doubt on their own claims.
Jim Jordan: “We don’t know for sure if these tapes exist.”
James Comer: “We don’t know if they’re legit or not.”
Ron Johnson: “We don’t know really if the tapes exist.”
HuffPost: “Republicans Acknowledge Biden Bribe Audio Might Not Exist”
Washington Post: “The GOP ‘bribery’ allegations against Biden remain transparently thin”
Newsweek: “More Republicans Cast Doubt on Joe Biden Tapes’ Legitimacy”
Washington Post: “Republicans are hyping a secondhand allegation from a single source — an allegation that was in the hands of Attorney General William P. Barr’s Justice Department in mid-2020 without leading to criminal charges or, it seems, any specific investigation.”
This most recent failure comes after Chuck Grassley admitted he didn’t know if his own claims were true AND James Comer suggested that Republicans’ sham investigations are actually politically motivated stunts.
Newsweek: “GOP’s Chuck Grassley Admits Biden Bribery Allegation May Be ‘Untrue’”
HuffPost: “Republicans ‘Not Interested’ In Whether Biden Bribe Allegation Is True, Chuck Grassley Says”
Fox News: “So do you think that because of your investigation, that is what’s moved this needle with the media?”
Comer: “Absolutely. There’s no question. You look at the polling, and right now Donald Trump is seven points ahead of Joe Biden and trending upward, Joe Biden’s trending downward.”