Medicaid Is Under Attack With Trump In Office

The Trump administration is working to gut families’ access to health care by slashing Medicaid funding and implementing work requirements. While Trump works incessantly to slash Medicaid, Democrats are fighting back. Here’s the latest from this week on Trump’s Medicaid attacks:


New data contradicts the administration’s claim that 18,000 people who lost Medicaid coverage in Arkansas as a result of work requirements did so because they “got a job.”


The Hill: “Most of the 18,000 people who lost Medicaid coverage in Arkansas as a result of new work requirements have not found new jobs, according to an analysis of state data. The analysis from the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities also found that most of those unemployed people are still uninsured. The data contradicts statements from Trump administration and state officials, who have claimed that most of the people who lost Medicaid have found jobs with health insurance coverage.”


The Trump administration was sued to block Medicaid work requirements in New Hampshire.


Concord Monitor: “The class action lawsuit includes four New Hampshire plaintiffs… One of them, 26-year-old Samuel Philbrick of Henniker, works as a cashier at a sporting goods store and is often offered irregular hours for work, the lawsuit states. Another, 40-year-old Ian Ludders of Unity, makes a living through seasonal agricultural work, leaving months open when he is between paid jobs.”


In Kansas, Democratic lawmakers are fighting to expand Medicaid in the face of the Trump and Republicans’ attacks.


Kansas City Star: “Supporters of expanding Medicaid in Kansas forced a debate Wednesday in the Republican-controlled Legislature on Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s plan and advanced an expansion bill with bipartisan support over GOP leaders’ objections. The House voted 70-54 to give first-round approval to a modified version of Kelly’s plan for expanding Medicaid health coverage to as many as 150,000 more residents.”