Meet Christina Bobb: The RNC’s New Election-Denying Self-Described “Conspiracy Theorist” 


Last night, the RNC’s new MAGA leadership team doubled down on their commitment to undermining our democracy and the will of the voters by hiring election denier and self-described “conspiracy theorist” Christina Bobb as their new in-house senior counsel. Between Bobb’s long record of “peddl[ing] lies about the 2020 election being stolen” and her “key role in the Trump campaign’s fake electors scheme,” the RNC is becoming a who’s who of Donald Trump’s favorite election deniers — and it’s another clear sign that democracy is at stake this November. 

Here’s a look at Christina Bobb’s election-denying extremism:

CNN:She also played a key role in the Trump campaign’s fake electors scheme after he lost the 2020 election, working closely with Trump advisers to organize the plan in seven battleground states. The scheme formed the basis of parts of Smith’s election subversion indictment against the former president, which says Trump and his allies created ‘fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding’ in Congress on January 6, 2021, and ‘disenfranchise millions of voters.’”

“Bobb was also a correspondent during the 2020 election for the fringe pro-Trump network OAN, where she promoted false claims that the election was rigged. The voting technology company Dominion sued Bobb and OAN for defamation in 2021. Some of her on-air segments were also referenced in a separate defamation case against OAN filed by Smartmatic, another aggrieved voting company. OAN and Bobb have denied wrongdoing in these civil cases.”

The New York Times: “A self-described conspiracy theorist and election denier, Ms. Bobb will take on a role overseeing Republican election integrity efforts — after years of aggressively promoting false claims about the 2020 election. Her appointment reflects the ascendant role of election deniers in Republican leadership and in Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign.”

HuffPost: “Christina Bobb, who spouted election falsehoods as a host for ultra-conservative One America News Network, not only embraced Trump’s big lie that he was robbed of victory in the 2020 election but also wrote a book about it, ‘Stealing Your Vote: The Inside Story of the 2020 Election and What It Means for 2024.’ She also pressed for the audit of Arizona elections, The Washington Post noted.”

“On the day of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection (before she worked for Trump), she urged then Vice President Mike Pence to not certify the election results in the debunked belief that Pence could unilaterally change the outcome, Mediaite noted.

“On a talk show appearance with white nationalist Stew Peters, she seconded the host’s idea for so-called traitors who have ‘stolen’ elections from conservatives, such as far-right Kari Lake in Arizona, to be tried for treason.”

Rolling Stone: “TRUMP IS RESHAPING the Republican National Committee to the point that its leadership were not only on his payroll, but peddled lies about the 2020 election being stolen.” 

“Bobb has been made the RNC’s senior counsel of election integrity and is the author of the 2023 book Stealing Your Vote: The Inside Story of the 2020 Election and What It Means for 2024, which claims to document how the 2020 presidential election was stolen. The book includes an introduction by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon.”

“Bobb also tweeted on Jan. 6, 2021, that former Vice President Mike Pence ‘can solve this now by sending it back to the legislators,’ referring to the false claim pushed by Jan. 6 rioters that Pence had the power to overturn the results of the 2020 election before they were certified by Congress.”

The New Republic: Bobb’s appointment should be a major cause for concern. Bobb joined Trump’s legal team last year, and before that, she was an anchor at the far-right network OAN. She was a vocal supporter of 2020 election fraud conspiracy theories, and a nonprofit she founded donated more than $600,000 to the bogus ‘audit’ of votes in Maricopa County, Arizona.

During the 2022 midterm elections, Bobb continued to push falsehoods that the elections might be rigged. She said that any delay in election results should be considered ‘suspicious,’ stoking fear about valid votes.”