Meet Kari Lake: One of Trump’s Favorite Election-Denying MAGA Extremists

As Kari Lake speaks at CPAC today, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:

“Kari Lake and Donald Trump have a lot in common: They both constantly repeat the same blatant, dangerous lies to undermine our democracy, and they both know how to lose Arizona. Lake and Trump still haven’t accepted the results of the 2020 election, and they are continuing to push the same failed MAGA agenda of banning abortion, ripping away health care, and embracing dictators and far-right extremists. It’s unclear whether Trump will take advantage of Lake’s strong experience in losing elections this November, but even if she’s not on the ballot with him, voters will reject their unpopular brand of MAGA extremism at the ballot box.”

Kari Lake has entered Trump’s MAGA orbit by pushing his extreme and dangerous agenda – and is now reportedly being considered as Trump’s VP pick.

Axios: “Scoop: Kari Lake among 4 women Trump’s considering for VP pick”

Iowa Capital Dispatch: “Former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake told Iowans Thursday she’s willing to ‘do anything I can’ to help former President Donald Trump get back into office.”

“A member of the audience asked Lake whether she would consider serving as Trump’s running mate in 2024. ‘You don’t really run for that,’ Lake said. ‘… I will do also anything I can to help President Trump.’”

New York Times: “Kari Lake Stokes Fear and Leans on Trump as She Formally Opens Senate Run”

The 19th: “In campaigning, Kari Lake modeled herself on Donald Trump. In losing, she’s doing so too.”

Lake is a notorious election denier who still does not accept the results of the 2020 presidential election or her own loss in the Arizona governor race in 2022.

CNN: “Kari Lake has put false claims about the 2020 election at the center of her campaign – repeatedly and falsely declaring the election ‘stolen’ and even calling it ‘disqualifying’ and ‘sickening’ that her top rival in the party primary wouldn’t say the same. In an interview with The New York Times in early August, after primary voters had cast their ballots, Lake said of Biden: ‘Deep down, I think we all know this illegitimate fool in the White House – I feel sorry for him – didn’t win.’”

Axios: “Lake was quick to brandish her Trump endorsement and criticized Robson for not rejecting the results of the 2020 election. Lake said the 2020 election was ‘corrupt and stolen’ and that Biden lost the election.”

Business Insider: “Arizona Governor candidate Kari Lake, the Republican who recently received an endorsement from former President Donald Trump, said she would not have certified the 2020 election results in the state. Trump lost Arizona by over 10,000 votes. … Lake has routinely echoed Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud. ‘Considering how much already at the time information we had about serious irregularities and problems with the election, I would not have certified it right then,’ Lake said.”

Associated Press: “Kari Lake, the Republican defeated in Arizona governor’s race, is formally challenging her loss to Democrat Katie Hobbs, asking a court to throw out certified election results from the state’s most populous county and either declare her the winner or rerun the governor’s election in that county. The lawsuit filed late Friday by Lake centers on long lines and other difficulties that people experienced while voting on Election Day in Maricopa County. The challenge filed in Maricopa County Superior Court also alleges hundreds of thousands of ballots were illegally cast, but there’s no evidence that’s true. Lake has refused to acknowledge that she lost to Hobbs by more than 17,000 votes.”

Jeremy Duda, Axios: “.@KariLake called for @SecretaryHobbs to be imprisoned over fictional election rigging claims. ‘Frankly, I think she should be locked up.’ Crowd starts ‘lock her up’ chant. Lake says, ‘I agree.’”

Lake is an anti-abortion extremist who – like Trump – supports cruel attempts to rip away women’s freedoms.

Axios: “[Lake said she] would support and enforce Arizona’s pre-Roe ban on abortion, which would prohibit the procedure in nearly all cases and would criminalize doctors who perform it.”

Lake: “I’m incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that’s already on the books. … It will prohibit abortion in Arizona except to save the life of a mother. And I think we’re going to be paving the way and setting course for other states to follow.”

Newsweek: “Lake told Baier that she would ‘very much support’ banning abortion pills in the state. ‘I think it’s really scary that a young, afraid mother could be at home taking a pill without medical supervision,’ Lake said. ‘It could be the end of the mother as well.’ While Lake expressed concern about women undergoing abortions without medical supervision, she supported the closure of all abortion clinics. Lake told Baier if she’s elected governor, she’ll let the Legislature pass laws ‘to protect the unborn.’ She noted that if abortion is illegal, it will be ‘very difficult for abortion clinics to survive and be open.’”

Lake sides with the gun lobby over the safety of our communities, including saying she would not recognize federal gun safety laws if she were governor.

The Independent: “Donald Trump’s preferred candidate for governor of Arizona has vowed not ‘recognize’ federal gun laws if elected in November and dared the federal government to stop her. What are the Feds going to do?’ Ms Lake asked in a tweet. ‘Fly down here and arrest a sitting Governor? Call my bluff.’”

NBC News: “In June, as Congress was on the verge of passing a gun law that includes grants to states to implement red flag laws, Lake indicated she would reject it.”

PolitiFact: “Lake has consistently opposed red flag laws. In a Sept. 21, 2021, interview with GunFreedomRadio, she said she saw no need for them. She later tweeted the same point. ‘The entire Country should be a sanctuary for the Second Amendment,’ Lake tweeted Sept. 24, 2021, ‘No red flag Laws. No magazine capacity bans. No ‘Gun-Free’ Zones. Shall. Not. Be. Infringed.’”

Just like Trump, Lake supports repealing the Affordable Care Act – which is providing millions of Americans with health care.

HuffPost: “Kari Lake called for repealing the Affordable Care Act at a campaign event on Monday, bringing up an issue all but forgotten by her Republican Party. ‘We need a red wave, and we need to overturn Obamacare and come up with something better,’ Lake said at a campaign event in Scottsdale.”

Lake has embraced dictators and far-right extremists, spouted white nationalist talking points, and seemingly encouraged political violence.

Media Matters: “Lake’s connections to political extremists in the media are not new. A longtime local TV newscaster who is endorsed by former President Donald Trump, she has appeared with a Nazi-sympathizing YouTuber, QAnon activists, and once endorsed a far-right, antisemitic streamer running for Oklahoma state Senate.”

Media Matters: “Kari Lake has embraced numerous antisemitic media figures in the relatively short time that she has been in politics. These figures have said that Jewish people are ‘lethal enemies of Americans’ and ‘must be stopped and then scoured from the continent’; defended the Nazis as ‘protecting their sovereignty’; and said, ‘I’m not beholden to Jews.’”

Newsweek: “Lake added that U.S. media is going after what she called ‘the truth tellers and the peacemakers,’ which she said included Trump and Hungary’s populist prime minister, Viktor Orbán. ‘I hear those two men talking about peace, but I hear the saber-rattling and the drum beat of “let’s start a war” from a lot of these countries with globalist-type political leaders,’ Lake said.” 

Arizona Republic: “Kari Lake’s immigration remark plays into racist ‘Great Replacement Theory,’ scholar says”
Business Insider: “Speaking at a convention of Georgia Republicans, Lake told hundreds of delegates that the ‘75 million Americans’ who voted for Trump are armed and ready to defend him.”