MEMO: Americans Know What’s in the American Rescue Plan — That’s Why They Support it
February 25, 2021
TO: Interested Parties
FROM: The Democratic National Committee
DATE: February 25, 2021
RE: Americans Know What’s in the American Rescue Plan — That’s Why They Support it
This week, Mitch McConnell claimed that the American people support President Biden’s Rescue Plan only because they don’t know what’s in it. That was a lie.
The American people overwhelmingly support President Biden’s plan specifically because they know what is in it and how it will help our country recover. Nearly half of President Biden’s proposals garner 60 percent support and the majority of them have at least twice as much support as they do opposition.
Mitch McConnell and Republican lawmakers are playing political games with Americans’ livelihoods—and lighting themselves on fire to do it. Not only do nearly eight in ten Americans support the American Rescue Plan, but a stunning 60 percent of Republicans do as well.
The American people know the truth. They want to go big because they know that is what the moment calls for. Democrats are united with the rest of the country in pushing for the American Rescue Plan in order to build back better. Republican lawmakers are the only ones standing in the way.
The overwhelming majority of Americans, including more than half of Republicans, support President Biden’s American Rescue Plan.
- According to a new Morning Consult poll, 76 percent of Americans say they support President Biden’s stimulus package.
- That same poll shows that more than half of Republican voters support the plan. By a two-to-one margin, Republicans support the plan 60 percent to 30 percent.
McConnell is wrong. The American people know what is in the American Rescue Plan and they overwhelmingly support key provisions of the package.
- Yahoo News/YouGov Poll: “The margins are decisive. The majority of Biden’s proposals garner at least twice as much support as opposition. Nearly half are favored by more than 60 percent of Americans.”
- According to a SurveyMonkey poll, the three key components in Biden’s proposed plan are all considered to be important by at least 80 percent of Americans.
- “In the SurveyMonkey poll, 4 in 5 Americans said it was important for the relief bill to include additional $1,400 direct checks, including nearly 7 in 10 Republicans.”
- “A similarly large group said it was important to include money for vaccine deployment.”
- A majority of Americans also consider money for schools and state and local governments to be “very important.”
- According to a recent Quinnipiac poll, the vast majority of Americans support additional $1,400 stimulus payments with 78 percent supporting and 18 percent opposing.
- According to the same Quinnipiac poll, a majority also say they support increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour with 61 percent supporting it, nearly double the 36 percent who oppose it.
- According to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll, Americans support increased federal funding for vaccinations by a substantial margin, 69 percent to 17 percent.
McConnell and Republican lawmakers have tried to argue the American Rescue Plan is too big, but the American people disagree. In fact, more say it is not enough.
- According to a CBS News poll, nearly eight in ten Americans are satisfied with the size of the plan or think it should be bigger—39 percent say it’s the right size and another 40 percent say it’s not big enough.
- According to that same poll, only one in five Americans agree with Republican lawmakers that the package is too big.