New DNC Ad in Philadelphia Provides Step-By-Step Instructions for Voters To Return Mail Ballots
October 2, 2020
New ad is latest part of multi-pronged voter education campaign around Pennsylvania mail ballots
The Democratic National Committee today is launching a new broadcast ad in Philadelphia showing voters step-by-step instructions on how to properly return their mail ballot, including using the required secrecy envelope.
The ad, ‘Secrecy Envelope,’ is launching as part of a joint voter education campaign with Biden for President Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, and other groups.
The ad will air on broadcast TV in the Philadelphia market starting today and provides step-by-step instructions to voters on how to properly fill out their mail ballot, including sealing their ballot within the provided secrecy envelope, which is required for their vote to count.
“Vote-by-mail is surging in Pennsylvania, and it’s crucial that every voter using a mail ballot has the information they need to ensure their voice is heard in November,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “With more ways than ever to vote easily and comfortably, Democrats are committed to making sure every Pennsylvanian can vote in the manner that’s best for them and be confident their ballot will be counted.”
Today’s ad is the latest step taken by the DNC, Biden for President Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, and other groups to educate voters about how to easily return their vote-by-mail ballot and ensure their vote is counted. Last week, the DNC released a digital ad, “How to return your ballot!” that also educated voters across the Commonwealth on mail ballots. The education campaign further includes regular voter education events, direct voter outreach, and a robust social media campaign featuring photos and videos of elected officials and local leaders completing the steps to return their mail ballots.
Additionally, earlier this month, DNC and Biden for President added new features to the voter information website, making it easier for Pennsylvanians to check their voting status and register to vote if need be, request a mail ballot, or easily find deadlines regarding casting their ballot. Pennsylvanians interested in learning more can go to