NEW DNC VIDEO: ‘Republicans Leaving Party In Droves’
February 16, 2021
Yesterday, the DNC War Room released a new video, “Republicans Leaving Party In Droves,” to highlight the tens of thousands of Republicans across the country who are leaving the Republican Party in the aftermath of the Capitol riot.
“Republicans across the country are fleeing their party. Furthermore, sizable numbers of Republicans support President Biden’s COVID relief package,” said DNC War Room spokesperson Daniel Wessel. “The contrast is clear: while Republicans are deeply divided, President Biden and Vice President Harris are working tirelessly to unite our nation and build back better — beginning with a plan to vaccinate Americans and get our economy back on track.
“If former Republicans are looking for a party with a broad and diverse membership — a party that is working to unify the country and build back better — they need look no further than the Democratic Party.”