NEW: MAGA House Republicans Want to Slash Funding for Affordable Contraception
July 13, 2023

With Congress back in session this week, House Republicans wasted no time continuing their anti-choice crusade by proposing to slash funding that provides free and subsidized contraception for millions of low-income Americans. From Congress to the 2024 presidential race, MAGA Republicans won’t stop trying to tear away at women’s freedom to make their own health care decisions.
House Republicans want to gut funding for essential reproductive care, which would hurt MILLIONS of low-income people across the country.
Alice Miranda Ollstein, Politico: “NEW: House Republicans’ Labor-HHS bill eliminates all funding for the Title X family planning program, which provides free and subsidized contraception to millions of low-income people around the country.–AP–LaborHHS-FY24LHHSSubcommitteeMark.pdf”
The bill is only the latest salvo of the MAGA House GOP’s never-ending war on reproductive freedom.
The Hill: “House Republicans use spending bills to push for abortion restrictions”
“House Republicans are pressing for abortion restrictions in government spending and must-pass policy bills, giving lawmakers a way to show their anti-abortion bonafides without putting the difficult issue to a standalone vote.”
House Republicans have already made clear that their ultimate goal is to ban abortion nationwide.
Intelligencer: “House GOP Forges Ahead on Wildly Unpopular National Abortion Ban”
Washington Examiner: “House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) signaled on Tuesday that congressional Republicans will begin the process of introducing a 15-week federal abortion ban.”
It’s not just the House: Abortion extremist Lindsey Graham plans to reintroduce his proposal for an extreme national abortion ban in the Senate.
Post and Courier: “Graham said he will reintroduce legislation to create a federal ban on abortions at 15 weeks as he tries to get Republicans to reach shared consensus on the issue in a post-Roe America. ‘Some Republicans say abortion is a states’ rights issue. I reject that,’ Graham said.”
Graham: “I’ll introduce legislation soon creating a national minimum standard of 15 weeks.”
Post and Courier: “Graham said he is looking for a presidential nominee to ‘embrace this concept.’ … ‘That’s not too much to ask of a potential nominee,’ Graham said. He then pushed back on the idea that abortion should being left solely up to the states.”
Congressional Republicans and 2024 Republicans are in tandem fighting to ban abortion nationwide.
USA Today: “‘A vital role:’ Donald Trump endorses the idea of national abortion restrictions”
DeSantis: “Dobbs returned the issue to the elected representatives of the people. And so I think that there’s, there’s role for both the federal and the states.”
Newsmax: “Your colleague in the Senate – also your colleague from South Carolina – Lindsey Graham is pushing for a 15-week federal abortion ban, something that’s going to be an issue come the next election. Would a President Scott sign that bill into law?”
Scott: “Every day, I would sign that bill into law. I would sign the most conservative pro-life legislation you can bring to my desk.”
Meg Kinnard, Associated Press: “Yes of course I would sign’ federal ban, Haley says.”
USA Today: “Presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he would sign into law a 15-week national abortion ban if he were president, a departure from his previous stance when he said the issue should be left up to individual states.”
Wall Street Journal: “[Suarez] said he would support a national ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, with exceptions for rape, incest and the life of mother.”
Hurd: “If a 15-week abortion ban came to my desk, I would sign it.”
Collins: “What about a federal ban? Are you for that?”
Youngkin: “I think that where common sense brings us together is around a 15-week bill that protects life.”