New Polls, Same Results: Americans Reject Trump’s Failed Leadership

New polls today continue to show the same thing: Americans reject Trump’s failed leadership. In fact, a majority of Americans think he’s only made things worse.

A majority of Americans disapprove of Trump’s handling of the protests.

Reuters/Ipsos Poll: “More than 55% of Americans said they disapproved of Trump’s handling of the protests, including 40% who ‘strongly’ disapproved, while just one-third said they approved – lower than his overall job approval of 39%, the poll showed.”

More than half of Americans believe Trump’s tweets divide the country and that race relations have worsened under his watch.

CBS News Poll: “The new poll also found that 56% of Americans believe the president tweets divide the country, not unite.”

Monmouth Poll: “Just over half (53%) of the public feels that race relations have worsened since Trump became president.”

Trump’s job approval rating continues to drop as multiple polls show a vast majority of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Monmouth Poll: “In other results, President Donald Trump’s job rating has ticked down again as opinion that the country is headed down the wrong track surpasses 70% for the first time in Monmouth’s polling.”

Politico/Morning Consult Poll: “Nearly seven-in-10 voters say things in the U.S. are pretty seriously on the wrong track, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.”