NEW POLLS, SAME RESULTS: President Biden’s Build Back Better Framework Is Extremely Popular
November 4, 2021

As Republicans relentlessly work to block any and all progress for the American people, Democrats are working tirelessly to deliver a deal that will make a massive impact on the lives of millions of America’s working families. President Biden’s Build Back Better Framework is extremely popular with the American people, and every single Republican in Congress will have to answer for why they oppose it. President Biden’s Build Back Better Framework is extremely popular. Let’s take a look at the numbers since it was announced: According to a new poll from Morning Consult/Politico: 78% of voters support “expanding Medicare coverage to cover hearing services.” 66% of voters support “funding for affordable housing.” 61% of voters support “funding for child care and universal pre-kindergarten.” 53% of voters support “extending the child tax credit for one year.” 59% of voters support “a 15% corporate minimum tax rate for large corporations.” According to a new poll from Data Progress: “With a +29-point margin, likely voters support the Build Back Better plan. The plan is very popular with both Democrats and Independents, who support the plan by respective margins of +83 and +19 percentage points. One-third of Republican voters also say they support the plan.”“We then tested how the Build Back Better framework polls when voters are informed of the taxes that will pay for the investments. We find Build Back Better is backed by a +30-point margin of support when respondents are informed of how the plan is to be paid for.” |
“We then tested how the Build Back Better framework polls when voters are informed of the taxes that will pay for the investments. We find Build Back Better is backed by a +30-point margin of support when respondents are informed of how the plan is to be paid for.”
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