NEW: Trump’s MAGA Ally Roger Stone Is Preparing Plans to Challenge November’s Election Results

In response to reporting on Donald Trump’s MAGA ally Roger Stone laying out plans to challenge November’s election results, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:

“Donald Trump knows he’s running a losing campaign, so he’s already turning to his MAGA minions to draw up plans to attack free and fair election results. Trump and his allies are pushing an extreme and dangerous agenda to go to any lengths to regain power, but the American people will stop him and his fellow anti-democracy extremists from ever getting back in the Oval Office.”

NEW: Donald Trump’s MAGA ally Roger Stone was caught describing plans to challenge the results of November’s election if Trump loses.

HuffPost: “Roger Stone Spells Out Trump’s Plans To Challenge 2024 Loss In Secretly Recorded Audio”

“Longtime GOP operative and Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone was caught on tape detailing the steps that Republicans are taking in order to successfully challenge the 2024 election result should the former president lose to President Joe Biden again.”

Rolling Stone: “Stone — a self-described ‘dirty trickster’ — was a critical figure in the 2020 “Stop the Steal” movement… Last year, a video obtained by MSNBC showed Stone explaining plans to undermine the Electoral College days before President Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election, as several states continued to count votes.

“The efforts to replace votes in the Electoral College and undermine the certification of the election culminated in the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. On the day of the attempted insurrection, Stone was spotted in Washington, D.C., with a contingent of Oath Keepers acting as a personal security detail. Several members of the group were later convicted of seditious conspiracy against the United States.”

Stone is one of many crooks, convicts, and fraudsters who are back helping Trump’s campaign.

HuffPost: “Presumptive GOP nominee Trump is reportedly in talks with … longtime adviser Roger Stone to boost his 2024 campaign.”

CNN: “Stone remains an outspoken supporter of [Trump], trafficking in unsavory rumors about Trump’s political opponents on social media and hosting a radio show on a conservative New York station that debuted with a Trump appearance. He is also a regular at Mar-a-Lago and walked out with Trump’s campaign staff on Super Tuesday for the former president’s victory speech.”

Axios: “Longtime political operative and Trump confidant Roger Stone — who was convicted of obstructing a congressional probe into Trump’s 2016 campaign and sentenced to 40 months in prison before Trump commuted the sentence — has been a frequent presence at Mar-a-Lago lately. Stone was at Trump’s victory party there on Super Tuesday. He also has publicly weighed in on how Trump should pick his V.P nominee.”

Trump still won’t commit to accepting the 2024 election results and continues to push his dangerous election denialism.

NBC News: “Trump again won’t commit to accepting the presidential election results”

CNN: “Former President Donald Trump refused to unconditionally accept the results of the upcoming 2024 presidential election. … It’s the latest comment by Trump in which he has sought to undermine confidence in the American electoral system in the event he loses in November.”

Washington Post: “Top Republicans, led by former president Donald Trump, are refusing to commit to accept November’s election results with six months until voters head to the polls, raising concerns that the country could see a repeat of the violent aftermath of Trump’s loss four years ago. … Trump also has suggested he may not accept the results of the next election.”

Politico: “Donald Trump suggested he may not accept the results of the 2024 election in the key swing state of Wisconsin in an interview with the state’s largest newspaper, where he also falsely claimed he won the state in 2020.”

Associated Press: “[Trump] is flooding the airwaves and his social media platform with distortions, misinformation and unfounded conspiracy theories about his defeat.”

NBC News: “Re-litigating the 2020 election, repeating false claims it was stolen and casting aspersions on the security of mail voting remain major fixtures for [Trump] on the stump. … He regularly refers to the 2020 election as ‘rigged’ on his social media channels.”

Associated Press: “Trump, running for the White House for the third time, has signaled that the 2020 election will remain an integral part of his 2024 presidential bid.”

Trump has made election denialism a litmus test for his MAGA allies.

Washington Post: “Top Republicans, led by Trump, refuse to commit to accept 2024 election results”

“The question has become something of a litmus test, particularly among the long list of possible running mates for Trump. … The GOP’s desire to appease Trump’s fixation on 2020 now appears to loom over his search for a running mate.”

New York Times: “Will You Accept the Election Results? Republicans Dodge the Question.”

“Less than six months out from the presidential contest, leading Republicans, including several of Donald J. Trump’s potential running mates, have refused to commit to accepting the results of the election, signaling that the party may again challenge the outcome if its candidate loses.”

Axios: “Republicans are increasingly joining former President Trump on hedging or dodging when asked whether they’ll accept the results of the 2024 elections.”

Washington Post: “Was the 2020 election stolen? Job interviews at RNC take an unusual turn.”

“Those seeking employment at the Republican National Committee after a Trump-backed purge of the committee this month have been asked in job interviews if they believe the 2020 election was stolen, according to people familiar with the interviews, making the false claim a litmus test of sorts for hiring…

“The questions about the 2020 election were open-ended, two people familiar with the questioning said. “But if you say the election wasn’t stolen, do you really think you’re going to get hired?” one former RNC employee asked.”