New Yorkers to Trump: “New York Hates You”

As Trump rallies in a city where the residents “hate” him and have resoundingly rejected him again and again, DNC spokesperson Addy Toevs released the following statement: 

“Donald Trump has given New Yorkers plenty of reasons to reject him. He insulted them, blocked desperately needed infrastructure investments for mass transit, and put his wealthy, extremist donors over working families. As a result, his hometown voted for President Biden in a landslide in 2020. President Biden is creating jobs, clearing congestion, cutting costs, and making communities healthier and safer in New York City. This November, New Yorkers will send the president back to the White House for four more years because he’s delivered for their city like it’s his own.”

On the street or at the ballot box, New Yorkers can’t stand Trump and aren’t shy about making their contempt clear:

Politico: “‘New York hates you’: Crowd heckles Trump ahead of deposition”

BBC: “New York: The city where Donald Trump hates being hated”

“Donald Trump appears to be struggling with the hostility that now surrounds him in New York City.”

Independent: “Mr. Trump’s animosity and petulance as president have further hardened resentment and anger towards him in the Big Apple.

“Protests began on day one of his term in office, with the turnout for the Women’s March 2017 estimated at 400,000 people. Large protests in the vicinity of Trump Tower have been a feature ever since.”

US News: “The City That Raised – and Rejected – Donald Trump”

“Donald J. Trump was a president from, but not of, New York.

“In the final months of his presidency, Trump attacked New York as a lawless ‘ghost town,’ and got attacked right back. At least 73% of New Yorkers citywide voted against their hometown candidate in election 2020, with absentee ballots still being counted. In Manhattan, where Trump lived before becoming president, every single voting district went for Joe Biden.”

Politico: “Trump schedules a South Bronx rally”

“Trump got blown out in the accompanying Assembly district, 11 percent to Biden’s 88 percent. And he lost the Bronx 16-84. He will, almost certainly, lose them both again in November by a landslide.”

New Yorkers’ disdain for Trump is justified. As president, Trump abandoned New York even as he delusionally claimed he’d win the state in 2020. 

City and State: “Trump declared in a Fox News interview on Aug. 31 that he would win the state in November’s election. He claimed his supporters upstate and on Long Island would lift him to victory despite the fact that the solidly blue state hadn’t voted for a Republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan’s election in 1984.”

NY1: “Hudson River Tunnel Federal Funding Deemed a Low Priority”

“The Trump administration is continuing to mire a project that would create a new Hudson River rail tunnel in delays, saying the $11 billion tunnel does not meet federal funding criteria.

“The plan received a ‘low’ rating in the category of local funding commitment, guaranteeing more delays for a massive project touted as essential by lawmakers and transit advocates, but viewed skeptically by federal officials.”

NBC: “Trump attacks N.Y. gov, says he’ll withhold Covid vaccine from state until Cuomo approves”

“President Donald Trump threatened to withhold a coronavirus vaccine from New York state on Friday and escalated his feud with Gov. Andrew Cuomo during his first public comments since Joe Biden was projected the winner in the presidential race.

“The comments came as the virus that’s already killed over 244,000 in the U.S. has surged across the country in recent weeks, with spikes in infections and hospitalizations from coast-to-coast, including in New York.”

AP: New York, city of Trump’s dreams, delivers his comeuppance”

“But Trump continued being Trump, his presidency gave way to one controversy and broken norm after another, and New York become a capital of the resistance, giving birth to persistent mass protests.

“The city of his dreams was no longer a place he could call home.

“‘New York has gone to hell,’ he said as Election Day 2020 neared.

“When the ballots were counted, Manhattan had seven times as many supporters of Joe Biden than those for Trump, and this time the Electoral College followed. When Trump’s presidency ended and he left Washington after the violent insurrection he incited, it was clear New York would be inhospitable.

“Trump once bragged he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and remain popular. Today, he could hand out fifties in New York and still not win the support of most locals.”

President Biden is delivering for Trump’s hometown, and New Yorkers will vote like it.

News12:President Biden announces Cross Bronx Expressway to be fixed as part of nearly $5 billion fund”

“President Joe Biden announced that nearly $5 billion will be used to fund transportation projects across the country, including the Cross Bronx Expressway.  

“The expressway has been a headache for Bronx residents and those passing through for years. One of the areas of focus is the area around Rosedale Avenue, which consistently sees heavy congestion.  

“A total of $150 million in federal funding is being awarded to the New York state Department of Transportation for the improvements, which including a multipurpose connector roadway with a dedicated bus lane, bike paths, and better pedestrian infrastructure.  

“The plan also aims to improve transportation for people on both sides of the Bronx River while shortening travel times for those driving through.”  

EPA: “Biden-Harris Administration announces $420 million for New York water infrastructure upgrades as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda”

“Today, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced over $420 million from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda for New York drinking water and clean water infrastructure upgrades. While the State Revolving Funds have been a foundational source of water infrastructure investments since 1988, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, under the Biden-Harris Administration is infusing an additional $50 billion—the largest such investment in American history.”

ABC7: “Newark Penn Station, Hudson River Tunnel get influx of federal funds from Biden administration”

“There’s a big boost for mass transit in the New York and New Jersey area.

“The Biden administration just announced $4.5 billion for the Hudson River Tunnel project and to modernize Newark’s aging Penn Station.

“It’s part of a $16 billion project to improve train travel all across the northeast.

“Newark’s Penn Station has long been considered a crown jewel in the transportation system, but leaders say it’s one that has been neglected.

“Officials now say they have the money in the bank to bring the station up to the 21st century.”