OPEN ENROLLMENT REMINDER: MAGA Republicans Want to Rip Away Affordable Health Care From Hardworking Americans
November 1, 2023

On the first day of open enrollment for Affordable Care Act health care coverage, here’s your reminder that MAGA Republicans are hellbent on taking away affordable health care from millions of Americans who rely on it — which would send their out-of-pocket costs for lifesaving care skyrocketing.
Under President Biden’s leadership, a record number of Americans enrolled in health care coverage on the Affordable Care Act marketplaces — which is providing more Americans with affordable coverage than ever before.
Associated Press: “A record 16.3 million people sought health insurance through the Affordable Care Act this year, double the number covered when the marketplaces first launched nearly a decade ago, the Biden administration announced Wednesday. More than 3 million new members joined the marketplace, also known as ‘Obamacare,’ according to the Department of Health and Human Services.”
Press Release, Department of Health and Human Services: “New HHS Report Shows National Uninsured Rate Reached All-Time Low in 2023 After Record-Breaking ACA Enrollment Period”
2024 Republicans have shameful records of trying to rip away access to affordable health care coverage from millions of Americans who rely on it.
NBC News: “Trump approved a surprise decision to push for the complete elimination of the Affordable Care Act in the courts. If it succeeded, millions of Americans would lose private insurance or Medicaid coverage and the health care system would be thrown into chaos.”
NPR: “The very day President Trump was sworn in — Jan. 20, 2017 — he signed an executive order instructing administration officials ‘to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay’ implementing parts of the Affordable Care Act, while Congress got ready to repeal and replace President Obama’s signature health law.”
Live News 5: “Gov. Haley speaks against Affordable Care Act, SC prepares for key deadline”
HuffPost: “As a Republican serving in the U.S. House, [DeSantis] was part of a far-right caucus that voted against the first ACA repeal bill that leadership brought to the floor because, DeSantis and his allies said, it didn’t undo enough of the law’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions. GOP leaders eventually put forward a more aggressive repeal. DeSantis and his colleagues voted yes on that one, but it failed in the Senate.”
New York Times: Tim Scott voted for all three major Republican-led proposals to repeal the Affordable Care Act in 2017.
Politico: “Despite the fact that millions of people had enrolled in Obamacare, the health law remains a ‘failure on a whole number of levels’ and should be repealed, Christie said. But, he added, Republicans must also offer a concrete replacement. The conversation, he said ‘must start from a position of repeal.’”
Reuters: “Governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas has signed legislation that will end by 2017 the state’s innovative but controversial adaptation of the Affordable Care Act, which has provided nearly 190,000 residents with health coverage.” “In late 2017, Burgum and 19 other Republican governors wrote a letter to Congress, urging lawmakers to repeal the ACA.”
Newly-elected Speaker MAGA Mike has fought to rip away access to affordable care from hardworking Americans for years — he has not only pushed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but he also voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, which has lowered health care costs for millions of Americans.
Press Release, Office of Congressman Mike Johnson: “U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson joined 11 other freshman members of Congress in a letter published Tuesday by Fox News urging the U.S. Senate to act on repealing the Affordable Care Act.”
The Hill: “As chair of the conservative Republican Study Commission, he has backed health care proposals that the GOP has espoused for years, including a repeal of the Affordable Care Act.”
Daily Beast: “Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), a member of House GOP leadership, said ‘I assume’ Republicans would move to repeal [the Inflation Reduction Act], but indicated it was still early.”
And Republican presidential hopefuls have railed against expanding Medicaid in their own states — leaving millions of Americans uninsured, forced to pay outrageous out-of-pocket costs, or without lifesaving care.
HuffPost: “While Ron DeSantis Is Fighting Culture Wars, Millions Of Floridians Are Losing Their Health Care”
NBC News: “Haley opposed efforts to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (South Carolina remains just one of 11 states that hasn’t expanded Medicaid to allow more Americans to have health insurance).”
New York Times: “Youngkin said it was ‘a sad thing’ that Virginia had expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.”