Paul Ryan, Meet the 2022 Republican Agenda To Sunset Social Security and Medicare

Paul Ryan provided a timely reminder to America of his years-long crusade to gut Social Security and Medicare. While he could never get Donald Trump’s proposed Medicare and Social Security cuts through Congress, Senate Republicans in 2022 have picked the mantle right back up, and their only plan for a Republican majority includes sunsetting Medicare and Social Security. Paul Ryan might have missed it, but we certainly didn’t – the Republican Party’s disastrous agenda is clear. 

Paul Ryan might be frustrated that he couldn’t get Donald Trump’s proposed Medicare and Social Security Cuts through Congress, but he should see the plan Senate Republicans proposed.

Washington Post’s Jeff Stein: “Former speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), in a rare public appearance at AEI, expresses frustration that Donald Trump did not want to cut entitlement programs because doing so would prove unpopular”

Senator Rick Scott, the leader of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, has laid out his agenda for the party – prioritizing sunsetting Social Security and Medicare – and Republican senators and candidates are lining up to support him: 

Washington Post: “But during the seven weeks of turmoil since Scott dropped a provocative conservative policy bomb on an unsuspecting party — a plan that called for tax increases and expiration dates for all federal laws, including those establishing Social Security and Medicare — he has not once expressed regret. Instead, the former hospital chain CEO and two-term governor, the richest man in the Senate, argues that he owes his detractors nothing.”

Washington Post Opinion: “Scott’s plan would also sunset — eliminate — all federal legislation over five years, under the (risky) assumption that worthy laws would be reenacted. That could mean an end to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, everything else mentioned above — and potentially more.”

Up North News: “Ron Johnson Thinks a GOP Plan for Tax Increases and the Potential End of Medicare and Social Security Is a ‘Positive Thing’”

Top Republican leaders have also blown the door wide open on the Republican agenda to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which could gut health care protections for millions of Americans with preexisting conditions.

Washington Post: “Sen. Ron Johnson says Obamacare should be repealed if GOP wins power back”

Colorado Times Recorder: “CO Sen. Candidate Hanks Says He Would Repeal Obamacare: ‘We Could Have Done That a Long Time Ago’”

MSNBC: “But the larger point is that when given an opportunity, these Republican Senate hopefuls were unanimous in their opposition to the Affordable Care Act. For these statewide candidates, scrapping the landmark reform law was a foregone conclusion.”
