President Biden Delivers After Trump Failed To ‘Buy American’

Today President Biden announced a new Buy American policy to ensure that American taxpayer dollars are used to support American workers and businesses, which will boost the economy and create more good paying union jobs. President Biden has made ‘Buy American’ a priority, and is delivering on the promises Donald Trump couldn’t deliver on in four years.

Despite all his talk, Trump failed to increase the share of American-made products in federal purchases on his watch.

  • LA Times: “Why Trump’s ‘Buy American’ campaign went nowhere”
  • LA Times: “But despite repeated vows to act and the unveiling of new initiatives, almost nothing has changed. Even the federal government, which spends billions of dollars buying goods as diverse as meat, salad greens, medical equipment and jet fighters, has not increased the share of what it spends at home versus what it buys overseas.”

Now, President Biden is looking to fix that and is delivering on his promises to strengthen Buy American rules. 

  • CNN: “Biden proposes strengthening Buy American rules to boost American manufacturing”
  • Washington Post: “Biden proposes stronger Buy American rules for federal government, aiming to bolster U.S. industry”
  • The Hill: “Biden proposes rule to strengthen ‘Buy American’ requirements”
  • Fox Business: “Biden admin announces ‘Make Buy American Real’ to close loopholes in statute, boost transparency”