President Biden Delivers for Wisconsin While Trump Backs Billionaires Over Working Families
May 8, 2024

Today, President Biden’s visit to Racine, Wisconsin will underscore how his economic agenda is uplifting Wisconsin families by creating good-paying jobs, cutting costs, and building the middle class. Just last week, Trump spent his short time in Wisconsin lying about President Biden’s economic wins, because he knows that his only defense against President Biden’s successful record is to lie in a desperate attempt to hide how he failed Wisconsin families.
DNC spokesperson Addy Toevs released the following statement:
“Thanks to President Biden, Wisconsinites are seeing job creation, higher wages, and lower costs on things like prescription drugs and health care. That’s in sharp contrast to Trump’s record in the state: Trump cost Wisconsin more than 80,000 jobs during his tenure, incentivized companies to ship jobs overseas, and called to eliminate worker protections. Trump was a disaster for Wisconsin, and voters won’t forget when they cast their ballots in November.”
President Biden is empowering Wisconsin families.
White House: “3% unemployment rate in Wisconsin, with 177.7K new jobs created under the Biden Administration including 472 jobs in clean energy.”
White House: “266.3K individuals in Wisconsin signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces during the Open Enrollment Period for 2023 and will benefit from average savings of about $800/year from lower health care premiums because of the Inflation Reduction Act and American Rescue Plan.”
Treasury Department: “The American Rescue Plan sent economic impact payments of up to $1,400 to more than 2.9 million people in Wisconsin, totaling $7.1 billion.”
HHS: “7,895 child care programs in Wisconsin have received American Rescue Plan stabilization support, impacting up to 326,700 children”
White House: “Wisconsin has seen an influx of $1.6B in funding from the Biden Administration to bring affordable, reliable high-speed internet to everyone in Wisconsin.”
White House: “The state has received $149.4M in home energy rebates to help families cut their energy costs.”
The Cap Times: “Wisconsin’s union workforce grows at fastest rate in over 30 years”
Donald Trump was a disaster for Wisconsin families, jobs, and pocketbooks.
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy: On average, the richest 1 percent of Wisconsinites received $39,610 in tax cuts from Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Wisconsinites in the lowest percentile of annual income received an average tax cut of just $30.
Wall Street Journal: “President Donald Trump’s proposed budget calls for eliminating federal funding of a program to support small manufacturers that officials say created or protected more than 100,000 jobs in the last fiscal year alone.”
Washington Post: “As a candidate, Trump vowed to stop companies from moving offshore by imposing a 35 percent border tax on those that sought to ship products home from their new foreign plants. […] This year, companies such as Wells Fargo, Microsemi and Caterpillar have announced plans to shift work overseas from U.S. sites, according to a Labor Department office that determines worker eligibility for retraining aid.”
New York Times: “The bill that Mr. Trump signed, however, could actually make it attractive for companies to put more assembly lines on foreign soil. […] Under the new law, income made by American companies’ overseas subsidiaries will face United States taxes that are half the rate applied to their domestic income, 10.5 percent compared with the new top corporate rate of 21 percent. ‘It’s sort of an America-last tax policy,’ said Kimberly Clausing, an economist at Reed College in Portland, Ore., who studies tax policy.”
Brookings: “From the Department of Labor to the Department of Education, funded programs [under the Trump administration] could be cut by more than 5 percent. That includes almost $1 billion less combined for Adult Employment and Training Activities and Dislocated Workers Employment and Training Activities. At the same time, many analysts believe changes to existing CTE programs could limit schools’ abilities to flexibly use federal funds.”