QUICK CLIP: DNC Chair Jaime Harrison Reminds South Carolinians of Trump’s Failed Economic Agenda

Ahead of Donald Trump’s visit to Pickens, South Carolina Saturday, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison spoke directly to South Carolinians in the Upstate about Trump’s failed economic agenda that gave major tax cuts to the ultra wealthy at the expense of working South Carolinians while President Biden is delivering by building the economy from the bottom up and middle out – adding 13 million jobs and investing billions into the Palmetto State. 


Chair Harrison: “You know, you think about [Trump’s] agenda and it’s an agenda he basically said he wants to replicate what he did when he was president the last time. This was a president who delivered large, huge tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals in our country and corporations and that left a lot of South Carolinians behind.”

Anchor: “Harrison went on to tout the Biden administration’s accomplishments concerning the economy. He says that will be one of the top issues for voters when they head to the polls next year.”