QUICK CLIPS: DNC Chair Jaime Harrison Highlights Biden-Harris Accomplishments on Local TV
January 24, 2022
To mark the one year anniversary of President Biden and Vice President Harris’ historic first year in office, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison kicked off a virtual press tour last week to speak directly to Americans in local media markets across the country about the progress the Biden-Harris administration has made.
From North Carolina to Ohio, Chair Harrison laid out how President Biden and Democrats immediately got to work and delivered vaccines, jobs, economic relief, an infrastructure law, and so much more – all in just one year.
See the coverage for yourself:
In Ohio:
NBC Columbus: DNC Chair on Biden’s First Year, GOP Obstructionism
ANCHOR: Jamie Harrison believes what Joe Biden told the nation this week — Republicans are laser focused on putting up roadblocks to the Biden agenda.
CHAIR HARRISON: They didn’t pass a platform in 2020, they don’t have a platform or agenda in 2021 or 2022. The only thing that they are focused on is blocking progress made by Joe Biden—and that’s sad, because what they are doing is they are hurting America.
In Pennsylvania:
NBC 10 Philadelphia: Biden Begins His Second Year
CHAIR HARRISON: Elections are about contrast. Again, what are Democrats doing in order to improve the lives of the people in Pennsylvania? Well, we have a track record of showing what we have done for Pennsylvania. Look at the president’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Something that Donald Trump tried for four years, along with Republicans in the House and Senate, and weren’t able to get done.
But this president, with the leadership in the House and the Senate, Democrats were able to get $11.3 billion for highways. $1.6 billion for bridges in Pennsylvania. $100 million for broadband. $355 million for airports. And that’s not even going into the American Rescue Plan, where not one Republican actually worked to help bring some relief for the people in Pennsylvania.
In North Carolina:
Fox 46 Carolinas: DNC Chair Touts Biden’s Accomplishments
CHAIR HARRISON: The American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill were huge. Unprecedented. I mean, just take a few provisions out of one of the bills and that would have amounted to the big success story for any administration or any presidency.
In Michigan:
Fox 17 Grand Rapids: DNC Chair Jaime Harrison touts successes of Biden’s first year
CHAIR HARRISON: The president inherited an economy that was falling apart, unemployment was sky high, many of the restaurants and businesses were on the verge of going under vaccines weren’t widely available for most Americans.
This president rolled up his sleeves to get to work on many of these issues that the American people were suffering through.”