REMINDER: Mike Pence Stood Behind Trump Siding Against Ukraine

Here’s your reminder that throughout his time in office, Pence repeatedly defended Trump’s disastrous foreign policy agenda, including supporting Trump as he publicly undermined U.S. intelligence agencies, praised and sided with Putin, and threatened to withhold military aid from Ukraine. 

After Trump met with Putin in Helsinki and sided with him over U.S. intelligence agencies, back home, Pence offered a full-throated defense of his actions on the world stage.

Politico: “President Donald Trump on Monday publicly sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agencies.”

BBC: “Vice-President Mike Pence, in a speech at the US Department of Commerce, defended the summit and praised President Trump.”

And Pence supported Trump as he threatened to withhold military aid from Ukraine. 

CNN: “Pence defends Trump over Ukraine call, contradicting his 2016 comments on foreign interference”

CNN: “Vice President Mike Pence is defending President Donald Trump for asking the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden – even when faced with his past comments on foreign interference in US politics.”

CNBC: “The Trump administration broke the law by withholding congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine last summer ‘for a policy reason,’ a top government watchdog said Thursday in a scathing report.”