REMINDER: Nikki Haley Wants to Ban Abortion Nationwide

As South Carolina governor, Nikki Haley signed an abortion ban into law that had no exceptions for rape or incest, and now she’s running for president on a pledge to sign a national abortion ban. 

Under Nikki Haley’s leadership, South Carolina passed an extreme abortion ban that had no exceptions for rape or incest and threatened doctors with jail time.

TIME: “The law passed the General Assembly last week and blocks women from having abortions after 19 weeks of pregnancy, with no exceptions for rape or incest. … Doctors who violate the law could face a fine or jail time.” 

Newsweek: “Haley described herself as ‘very pro-life’ and has spent most of her political career fighting for anti-abortion legislation, including signing a law as South Carolina governor in 2016 banning the procedure in most circumstances after 19 weeks of pregnancy unless the mother’s life is at risk.”

Haley’s MAGA record speaks for itself, and she has already promised to sign a national abortion ban if elected.  

Fox News: “Republican presidential candidate and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is pledging to sign a federal ban on abortion.”

HuffPost: “Nikki Haley Says She ‘Absolutely’ Would Sign 15-Week Abortion Ban If GOP Had The Votes”