REMINDER: President Biden Is Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure — With No Help From MAGA Republicans 

As President Biden visits Wisconsin to tout federal infrastructure funding, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“President Biden kept his promise to repair America’s roads, bridges and transportation while delivering billions to jumpstart clean energy jobs and invest in communities across the country – so it’s no wonder MAGA Republicans want credit for it after fighting to stop it every step of the way. The same extreme Republicans who followed Donald Trump’s lead and voted against President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are now bragging about projects they tried to stop from happening. Trump’s ‘infrastructure week’ was nothing more than a punchline at the expense of everyday Americans who just want their roads fixed, but President Biden is delivering real results to improve the quality of our nation’s transportation networks and invest in next-generation industries for American workers.” 

Today, President Biden is in Wisconsin to tout billions in federal infrastructure funding that’s already updating roads, bridges, public transit and more in the Badger State — all while investing in industries of the future to do so. 

Superior Telegram: “Under the Biden-Harris administration, private companies have announced $2 billion so far in commitments to invest in 21st-century industries like clean energy manufacturing, biomanufacturing, and clean power, according to the White House.

“Another $6.3 billion in public infrastructure and clean energy investments in Wisconsin under the Biden administration includes:

  • $3.8 billion for transportation investments in roads, bridges, public transit, ports and airports, as well as electric school and transit buses, electric vehicle charging, and more.
  • $298.9 million for grants, rebates and other initiatives to accelerate the deployment of clean energy, clean buildings and clean manufacturing. This excludes the clean energy tax incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act.
  • $123.8 million to make our communities more resilient to climate change and other threats.
  • $819.1 million to provide clean water across Wisconsin and improve water infrastructure. This includes $129.5M dedicated to lead pipe and service line replacement.”

Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is investing billions to update our nation’s roads and bridges, renew our transportation networks, and ensure every American has clean drinking water and access to high-speed internet. 

Associated Press: “President Joe Biden signed his hard-fought $1 trillion infrastructure deal into law Monday before a bipartisan, celebratory crowd on the White House lawn, declaring that the new infusion of cash for roads, bridges, ports and more is going to make life ‘change for the better’ for the American people.”

Reuters: “‘Finally, infrastructure week!’ Biden says, cheering $1 trillion bill”

Baltimore Sun: “Federal rail infrastructure money to help pay for Baltimore tunnel, Maryland bridge replacements and Penn Station face-lift” 

Reuters: “Biden offers millions and hope for delayed Hudson River tunnel project”

Cincinnati Enquirer: “‘We can get things done’: Biden praises bipartisanship and Brent Spence Bridge project” 

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: “Biden administration sends millions to states for bridge repair, replacement”

This week, Rep. Pete Stauber became the latest MAGA Republican to take credit for the dough despite voting no — he joins a long list of colleagues who’ve had no problem voting against the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation but touting its funding anyway. 

Heartland Signal: “Minnesota Rep. Pete Stauber takes credit for federal infrastructure funding he voted against” 

“In a press release from Monday, U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN) claimed to have ‘long-fought’ for federal funding for infrastructure projects, despite voting against the bill which secured the funds.

“After the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded over $1 billion to the cities of Duluth, Minn. and Superior, Wis. to replace the Blatnik Bridge, Stauber took credit for ‘securing the critical investment.’”

Washington Post: “They opposed the infrastructure law. Now, some in the GOP court its cash.” 

“Nearly two years after Congress finalized the first in a series of measures to improve the nation’s aging infrastructure and combat climate change, some of the GOP lawmakers who originally tried to scuttle the spending are now welcoming it. They have privately courted newly available federal money to improve their local roads, bridges, pipes, ports and internet connections, and publicly celebrated when their cities and states have secured a portion of the aid.”

Donald Trump’s presidency was marked by years and years of empty promises and failed plans to fix our nation’s crumbling infrastructure — “infrastructure week” was just a long-running joke.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: “Administration officials claim that [Trump’s] new infrastructure plan will support $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investment, but his 2019 budget reveals that that number’s a mirage: the President would cut annual federal support for infrastructure in the long run and shift costs to states, cities, and private individuals. As we previewed here, it likely would mean cuts to some of the areas in which new infrastructure investment is needed most — while providing a potential windfall for private investors.” 

Washington Post: “Trump’s 2016 campaign pledges on infrastructure have fallen short, creating opening for Biden”

New York Times: “How ‘Infrastructure Week’ Became a Long-Running Joke”

“At this point in the Trump presidency, ‘Infrastructure Week’ is less a date on the calendar than it is a ‘Groundhog Day’-style fever dream doomed to be repeated.

“Roughly two years after the White House first came up with the idea of discussing, for all of seven days, the pursuit of a bipartisan agreement to rebuild the nation’s roads, bridges and broadband networks, President Trump more or less torpedoed those plans on Wednesday in a Rose Garden speech.”

CNN: “Like the Bermuda Triangle or Spinal Tap’s new drummer, the words ‘Infrastructure Week’ seem to be cursed. No fewer than seven times – including this very week – has Trump’s White House declared that its chosen theme of a week would be infrastructure – only to see those plans thwarted, often by the President himself.”

Even after Trump left office, he railed against bipartisan efforts to fund President Biden’s infrastructure decade

Politico: “Donald Trump tried and failed to pass an infrastructure bill so many times over the course of his presidency that his attempts were reduced to a punchline. Now out of office, Trump is trying to ensure that his successor, Joe Biden, suffers the indignity of the ‘infrastructure week’ jokes as well.

“The former president has sounded off repeatedly in the past week about the negotiations taking place between Senate Republicans and Democrats on the Hill and in the White House. He’s encouraged GOP lawmakers to abandon the talks and criticized Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for even entertaining them. Senate Republicans have said, in interviews, that they have directly asked the former president not just to tone down his criticism but to actually support the infrastructure deal.”

Nikki Haley decided to slam fellow Republicans for working with President Biden to pass the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, writing off billions in investments to update America’s infrastructure as a “publicity stunt” and “nothing” to celebrate. 

Fox News: “Former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley slammed Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell’s upcoming appearance with President Biden as a ‘publicity stunt’ and said the bipartisan infrastructure law that is reportedly serving as the basis of the event is ‘nothing’ to celebrate.”

Haley also pushed to eliminate our nation’s main infrastructure funding source and replace it with… nothing. 

CNN: “Dubbed ‘The Freedom Plan,’ Haley’s proposal would eliminate the federal gas and reduce income tax rates, make small-business tax relief permanent, and end certain tax deductions such as the deduction for state and local income taxes, also known as SALT. Haley, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Clemson University, often touts her financial background on the campaign trail, telling voters, ‘It’s time to put an accountant in the White House.’” 

“Haley believes funding for infrastructure projects should come from general revenues, forcing them to compete with other spending priorities. Additionally, her plan would place a limit on federal spending, linked to a percentage of the economy.”