REMINDER: Republicans Keep Lying About Their Extreme Records

MAGA Republicans are desperately doubling down on their weak attempts to erase their extreme positions on abortion and other issues that are important to voters in the midterms. But as much as they may want to hide their wildly unpopular views, the American people have taken notice.

More and more Republican candidates have tucked tail and run rather than own up to their extreme positions on abortion.

Washington Post: “Republicans in key races scrap online references to Trump, abortion”

Politico: “Republicans fight abortion backlash with ads — and stealth website edits”

And it doesn’t stop there — GOP candidates across the country are continuing to rewrite their unpopular records ona number of different issuesincluding abortion.

Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano recently deleted over a dozen videos from his Facebook page that espoused many extreme positions, including ones that downplayed the climate crisis.

Maryland GOP gubernatorial candidate Dan Cox has deleted his account on a social media platform used to spread white nationalist hate speech. His extreme stance on the 2020 election being stolen was also totally erased from his website.

In Wisconsin, GOP gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels has attempted to distance himself from Donald J. Trump by initially wiping his website of any mention of Trump’s endorsement before being called out.