REMINDER: Republicans’ MAGA Agenda Would Raise Costs for Working Families
September 13, 2023

As President Biden focuses on delivering for America’s hardworking families by growing the economy from the bottom up and middle out, here’s your reminder that MAGA Republicans from Capitol Hill to the presidential campaign trail are hellbent on rolling back that progress and are pushing policies that could raise costs for families.
2024 Republicans are campaigning against President Biden’s historic Inflation Reduction Act, with many threatening to eliminate it if elected despite everything it’s already done to lower costs for working families.
Insider: “Former President Donald Trump on Friday slammed the Democratic-led climate, health, and tax bill, arguing that Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky was ‘taken for a ride’ by Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia.”
DeSantis: “You know, the good thing is I think there’s a pretty clear path to being able to reverse a lot of this stuff. The things he’s doing through executive order, you could reverse right away. But even what they did with the Inflation Reduction Act, they passed that via budget reconciliation in the Senate. So with 50 votes, I think, you know, we win the presidency, I’m pretty sure we would win the Senate and keep the House. And so at that case, what they put in by reconciliation, you could repeal by reconciliation.”
Scott: “The third thing I would do is I would simply eliminate the IRA, the Inflation Reduction Act, which of course is a lie from the pit of hell. … I would eliminate the vast majority, if not all, of the green energy credits. I would eliminate every single one that I could from an executive perspective. But I would also engage Congress to reverse that legislation.”
Fox News: “GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley plans on cutting down President Biden’s ‘disastrous’ energy policies as well as bringing oil production back to the United States, if she is elected to the Oval Office in 2024. Haley, who previously served as the governor of South Carolina, shared her energy plan with Fox News Digital ahead of her formal announcement in Texas on Thursday. … The GOP candidate also slammed Biden’s green energy policies, saying she would ‘roll back Biden’s wasteful green energy subsidies and regulations.’ Haley specified that a number of subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act could cost as much as $1.2 trillion along with a number of ‘Biden administration rules and regulations that would hamstring our oil and gas industries,’ citing Biden’s power plant regulations and his crackdown on gas-powered cars.”
Ramaswamy: “We still have a spending crisis in this country. The point of these [debt ceiling] negotiations should be to actually address the fiscal crisis, not to window dress around it. You want to take the funding for the IRS, moving it from $80 billion to $70 billion while still leaving the hit squad intact. That doesn’t really change anything. Work requirements for Medicaid recipients, the Inflation Reductions Act’s pork fest for clean energy tax credits, none of that’s really changed.”
Pence: “In yet another policy failure of the Biden Administration, the Inflation Reduction Act just signed into law undermines incentives to create new life-saving drugs through government-imposed price caps on prescription drugs.”
KARK: “In a statement Thursday, Gov. Asa Hutchinson came out in opposition to the Inflation Reduction Act, currently under debate in the senate. The act, a significant part of the Biden presidential agenda, puts billions of dollars into energy extraction and IRS enforcement, as well as health care reforms in Medicare drug pricing and Affordable Care Act extension. Hutchinson said he was joining 21 other governors in opposition to the legislation.”
MAGA Republicans in Congress want to rip away provisions that are already lowering the costs of lifesaving medication for seniors.
The Hill: “Senate Republicans on Friday introduced a bill that would roll back the drug pricing reforms included in the sweeping Inflation Reduction Act, including the measures allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices and capping annual drug expenses for many seniors.”
“The bill allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices for the first time in the program’s history. It also placed a $2,000 out-of-pocket cap on annual drug costs for seniors on Medicare, as well as a $35 monthly cop for insulin. … If passed, the bill states it would make it so that the drug pricing measures in the Inflation Reduction Act ‘had never been enacted.’”
2024 Republicans are hellbent on slashing essential benefits hardworking Americans and seniors rely on, such as Social Security and Medicare.
Washington Post: “His avowed stance, however, is at odds with Trump’s own record as president: Each of his White House budget proposals included cuts to Social Security and Medicare programs.”
Semafor: “During his time in Congress, meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis voted for a series of budget resolutions crafted by the conservative Republican Study Committee that would have voucherized Medicare for new beneficiaries, slowed Social Security cost of living increases, and raised the retirement age for both programs.”
Scott: “We also have to look at the overall entitlement state of our nation. … In order for us to tame the tiger, we’re going to have to take a serious look at the overall entitlement state that we have.”
Washington Post: “Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador who is planning to announce her own presidential bid this month, also praised Ryan’s Medicare proposal at the time and said lawmakers should examine Medicare and Social Security spending to address federal debt.
“‘What they need to be doing is looking at entitlements,’ Haley said in a 2010 interview on Fox News. ‘Look at Social Security. Look at Medicaid. Look at Medicare. Look at these things, and let’s actually go to the heart of what is causing government to grow, and tackle that.’”
New York Times: “Mr. Pence says Social Security and Medicare must be trimmed back as part of any serious plan to deal with the national debt.”
Christie: “We’re going to have to reduce Medicare benefits. We’re going to have to reduce Medicaid benefits. We’re going to have to raise the Social Security age. We’re going to have to do these things. We’re going to have to cut all types of other government programs that some people in this room might like.”
The entire 2024 GOP presidential field has cheered for Trump’s unpopular tax scam that lines the pockets of the ultra-wealthy at the expense of the middle class — and they want to build on this extreme MAGA economic agenda if elected.
Trump on whether his second-term tax policies would echo those of his first term: “Yeah, and I’d do even more taxes.”
DeSantis: “The current rates that are due to expire, we want to keep those rates in place.”
Brian Sullivan: “You’d keep those cuts going?”
DeSantis: “Yeah, we don’t want to see increases in taxes.”
Scott: “That 2017 tax reform bill—I was one of the four key authors of that bill. I’m excited about continuing to extend and making permanent those tax cuts.”
Haley: “Well, I think what I’d like to see is us go back to what Trump had under the tax cuts under him … I was there.”
Pence: “We got to make the Trump-Pence tax cuts permanent. That’s got to happen in 2025.”
Christie: “First of all, we need to extend the Trump tax cuts. I think those need to be extended.”
Ramaswamy on making permanent or expanding the Trump tax cuts: “I’d go a little further, Larry, than that, to be honest with you.”
Burgum in 2018: “I believe in these economic policies, I believe the tax bill is a great thing.”
Hutchinson in 2018: “President Trump’s #SOTU speech was good news for Arkansas as conservative policy changes in D.C. have led to tax cuts.”
Republican presidential hopefuls have long records of wanting to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, which would send many hardworking families’ health care costs skyrocketing.
NPR: “The very day President Trump was sworn in — Jan. 20, 2017 — he signed an executive order instructing administration officials ‘to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay’ implementing parts of the Affordable Care Act, while Congress got ready to repeal and replace President Obama’s signature health law.”
Miami Herald: “‘Mike Pence: ‘The first order of business is to repeal and replace Obamacare’”
Tampa Bay Times: “DeSantis, as a Congressman, voted to repeal the law over and over again.”
Scott: “I will continue to work towards the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.”
NBC News: “Haley opposed efforts to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (South Carolina remains just one of 11 states that hasn’t expanded Medicaid to allow more Americans to have health insurance).”
New York Times: “Youngkin said it was ‘a sad thing’ that Virginia had expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.”
2024 Republicans have railed against President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, which included historic steps to reduce child poverty in America.
Tallahassee Democrat: “Last year, DeSantis also said of the American Rescue Plan, ‘In some respects, it’s Washington at its worst.’ He called the package a ‘Christmas tree,’ filled with dollars sought by Democratic interest groups.”
Haley: “One year after Biden signed Democrats’ $1.9 trillion Covid ‘relief’ bill he’s pushing through another $1.5 trillion in government spending. When will Democrats admit their out-of-control spending is fueling inflation?”
Christie: “All [Biden] wants to talk about is Vladimir Putin and how he’s caused all the problems in this country and that he didn’t engage in reckless spending while he did that $1.9 trillion American rescue plan. … This is ridiculous stuff.”
Salon: “Mike Pence rallies Republicans to vote against COVID relief bill backed by a majority of Americans”
Roll Call Vote, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: “Scott (R-SC), Nay”
Every single Republican member of Congress voted against the Child Tax Credit expansion in the American Rescue Plan.
ABC News: “Included in the 628 pages of the American Rescue Plan is a change that experts say will prove to be a ‘historic’ step in reducing child poverty. The proposal calls for a one-year expansion in both the value and scope of the child tax credit to American families, something some studies estimate could lift millions of children out of poverty. The measure would increase the amount of the child tax credit to $3,600 per child under 6 and $3,000 per child between the ages of 6 and 18. That is up from a maximum benefit of $2,000 under the current policy. It also expands the ages of children eligible, which was previously capped at age 17.”
“But even for Republicans, the measure did not prove to be a sticking point in partisan negotiations over the bill — which still did not get a single Republican vote in the House or Senate.”
Presidential hopeful Tim Scott and his MAGA Republican colleagues have railed against efforts to eliminate junk fees for hardworking Americans — keeping their costs up instead of providing them relief.
Scott: “So the truth of the matter is that we need solutions for the American people. And it’s not a bunch of fees that will be eliminated by the president chatting fee control, income control, price control. It sounds more like socialism than free markets and capitalism that led to the lowest level of poverty, frankly, in the history of our country just a few years ago.”
CNBC: “GOP lawmakers in the hearing criticized the Biden administration’s push to eradicate ‘junk fees,’ largely regulated by the CFPB. Such fees constitute surcharges that companies levy for consumer goods and services.”
The New Republic: “‘Technically, junk fees don’t exist, OK? That’s a figment of Rohit Chopra’s imagination,’ Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer told The New Republic on Monday afternoon. ‘It’s a made-up word for a made-up authority that he’s got,’ continued the Missouri Republican, referring to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Rohit Chopra.”
“On the other hand, during his seven terms in Congress, Luetkemeyer has been on the take for millions in contributions from insurance, financial services, and utilities companies—industries long known to saddle consumers with hidden costs and, to borrow a term, junk fees.
“Luetkemeyer is not alone in raking in campaign cash from industries that Chopra and the CFPB seek to regulate on behalf of American consumers. North Carolina GOP Congressman Patrick McHenry, the new chair of the House Financial Services Committee, has also raked in millions during his career in the House of Representatives from the industries over which his committee has direct jurisdiction: nearly $2.7 million from the securities and investment sectors, nearly $2 million from the insurance industry, and more, according to”