REMINDER: Trump Proposed to Defund the Police

DNC Senior Advisor Cedric Richmond issued the following statement ahead of Donald Trump’s address on crime at the America First Agenda Summit today: 

“Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden by over 7 million votes and he would lose again. But, if Donald Trump wants to talk about crime, he should explain why he incited a mob to violently attack police officers defending the Capitol, or why he proposed massive cuts to community policing programs, or why his MAGA Republican allies voted against funding that has bolstered law enforcement. President Biden has delivered where Trump failed — that’s the simple truth.”

Today, disgraced former president Donald J. Trump attempted to rewrite his record — but let’s not forget: Every single year he was president, Trump proposed cutting funding for local law enforcement programs. 

Wall Street Journal: “The [Trump] administration’s 2021 budget, like all its previous budgets, recommended eliminating the Community Relations Services and Community Oriented Policing Services and placing their functions under other parts of the department to ‘improve efficiency.’”

Jonathan Allen, NBC News: “When Trump was president, he proposed slashing federal funding for local police forces.”

And as President Joe Biden said yesterday, you cannot be pro-insurrection and pro-police.

Washington Post: “‘And for three hours, the defeated former president of the United States watched it all happen as he sat in the comfort of the private dining room next to the Oval Office,’ Biden said. ‘While he was doing that, brave law enforcement officers were subject to the medieval hell for three hours — dripping in blood, surrounded by carnage, face to face with a crazed mob that believed in the lies of the defeated president. The police were heroes that day,’ Biden continued. ‘Donald Trump lacked the courage to act. The brave women and men in blue all across this nation should never forget that. You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-cop. You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-democracy. You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-America.’”