Republican Tax Plan Off To A Rocky, Unpopular Start

The Republican tax plan is off to a very rocky start. New polling shows their plan is extremely unpopular because it helps the wealthy and big corporations at the expense of the middle class.

Very few Americans think the Republican tax plan is a good idea.

  • Just 25% of Americans say the Republican tax plan is a good idea.
  • Only 14% of Americans believe they’ll get a tax cut.
  • 63% of Americans are concerned that the Republican tax cuts would increase the deficit.

Americans disapprove of key components of the Republican tax plan.

  • Only 17% of Americans want to cut taxes for large corporations.
  • Only 12% of Americans want to cut taxes for the wealthy.

Americans know the rich will benefit the most from the Republican tax plan.

  • 56% of Americans think Trump’s tax ideas will benefit the rich.
  • 42% of Americans think Trump will raise their taxes.

Americans don’t believe Republican lies that their tax cuts will help the economy.

  • 57% of Americans don’t believe Trump and Republicans that corporate tax cuts create jobs.
  • Only 19% of Americans say the Republican tax bill will significantly improve the economy.