Republicans Know They Can’t Win Without Cheating, So They’re Engaged in a Coordinated Campaign to Restrict Voting Rights

The Republican Party is engaged in a coordinated campaign to restrict voting rights across the country. Republican officials have recently been touring Arizona’s shambolic election “audit” to use it as a model in their own states. And now, unsurprisingly, we know Arizona’s bogus review is funded by secretive outside dark money groups tied to Donald Trump and his Big Lie.

Republicans from across the country have been visiting Arizona to tour its partisan and sham election audit to try to restrict voting in their own states.

Washington Examiner: “The Republican-led Arizona Senate’s audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County is becoming a national attraction for people who may be interested in re-creating the controversial review in their own states. Elected officials from at least two states, Alaska and Georgia, were spotted on Tuesday at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, where private firm Cyber Ninjas is leading the audit.”

KJZZ: “Staff from the Nevada Republican Party and Georgia Republican lawmakers toured the Maricopa County audit on Monday and were briefed by the firms hired by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to run the review.”

Associated Press: “Three Pennsylvania lawmakers were in Arizona on Wednesday to check out the state Senate GOP’s partisan audit of the 2020 election. They’re the latest Republicans to make a pilgrimage to Phoenix, ground zero in the ‘stop the steal’ movement’s push to find support for conspiracy theories suggesting the election was stolen from former President Donald Trump.”

Arizona’s partisan and sham audit is funded by secretive outside dark money groups tied to Trump’s inner circle and backed by his Big Lie.

The Guardian: “Dark money groups tied to Donald Trump’s inner circle and backed by people who have spread baseless claims about the 2020 presidential election appear to be playing a key role in funding an unprecedented review of 2.1m ballots in Arizona.”

The Guardian: “Instead, the effort is being paid for by private donors, who remain hidden from the public, according to a review by OpenSecrets and the Guardian. Arizona Republicans and Cyber Ninjas, the Florida-based company overseeing the review, have refused to say who is providing the rest of the money.”
