Ron DeSantis Reunites With The House Freedom Caucus
February 13, 2023

Ron DeSantis reconnected with the House Freedom Caucus in Washington, DC on Friday – the extreme MAGA group now home to Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Matt Gaetz – after working with them to push plans to gut Social Security and Medicare when he was in Congress.
As a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus, Ron DeSantis supported cuts to Social Security and Medicare numerous times.
Semafor: “During his time in Congress, meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis voted for a series of budget resolutions crafted by the conservative Republican Study Committee that would have voucherized Medicare for new beneficiaries, slowed Social Security cost of living increases, and raised the retirement age for both programs.”
Washington Post: “‘I support what Ryan is trying to do in terms of reforming entitlements,’ DeSantis said in a 2012 newspaper questionnaire. ‘It’s not a voucher, it’s premium support.’
“As a member of Congress, DeSantis voted for three nonbinding budget resolutions calling for raising the retirement age and slowing future spending growth for Social Security.
“He received a 0 percent rating from the Alliance for Retired Americans, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO. During a previous showdown over the debt limit in 2013, DeSantis said he supported including Social Security and Medicare in the negotiations.
“‘I think we need to restructure some of these entitlements,’ he said in a 2013 CNN interview. ‘I think we should try to look at entitlements, look at restructuring Medicare so it’s delivering services at a lower cost to the taxpayer.’”