Ron DeSantis’s Cozy Relationship with Big Energy is Catching Heat

The rough headlines continue to rack up for Ron DeSantis this week as new analyses reveal how the Florida governor’s appointees on the Public Service Commission allowed the biggest power company in the state to pocket a $1 billion tax handout while letting them increase costs for working Floridians by nearly $5 billion. All the while, he’s pocketing campaign donations from their coffers and turning a blind eye to their shady election manipulations.

Read more about DeSantis’s entanglement with Big Energy and how Floridians are footing the bill:

Seeking Rents: How Ron DeSantis helped Florida Power & Light raise electricity rates by $5 billion

“In fact, no other elected official in Florida did more to help Florida Power & Light land its $5 billion rate increase than DeSantis — who is now running for re-election and who, campaign-finance records show, has raised more than $3 million from FPL and a network of big-business front groups and dark-money nonprofits that the company helps to fund.”

News Service of Florida: Electric bills in Florida are likely to increase in 2023

“Florida residents and businesses likely will get hit with higher electric bills in 2023 as utilities continue to struggle with increased costs of natural gas. Florida Power & Light, Duke Energy Florida and Tampa Electric Co. filed petitions Friday at the state Public Service Commission that detailed expected costs in 2023. If the commission approves the utilities’ proposals, each would result in higher monthly bills in 2023. And that might not be all: The utilities also could seek to pass along higher-than-expected fuel costs from this year…” 

Miami Herald: ‘Money talks’: DeSantis goes after small-scale voter crimes, is silent on FPL and Matrix

“While the governor and his new election police force have targeted people like Grant, most of them Black, they have not similarly condemned or taken action against complex schemes intended to manipulate Florida elections and linked to one of the state’s most powerful corporations.”