Seven Years Later, Donald Trump Is Promising to Bring Back and Expand His Un-American Muslim Ban

As Americans mark the seven-year anniversary of Donald Trump’s extreme Muslim ban going into effect, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“Seven years ago, Donald Trump made clear to Americans and to the world that he would follow through on this plans to undermine the basic tenets of our democracy, inflicting pain and confusion on thousands of Americans who could not reunite with their loved ones, all for the sake of a cynical ploy that did nothing to make America safer or stronger. Trump’s cruel and unconstitutional Muslim ban sent a message to millions of Muslim Americans that he would threaten, scapegoat, and villainize them – and now he is promising to do it again if he gets a second term in office. Trump has pledged to be a ‘dictator on day one,’ peddling the same extreme and divisive agenda Americans rejected outright in 2020. Voters will reject hate, bigotry, xenophobia, and Donald Trump again at the ballot box this November.”

One of Trump’s first actions when he was in office was immediately implementing his campaign pledge to enact a Muslim travel ban just days after being sworn in – which caused chaos and confusion across the country.

CNN: “President Donald Trump’s seismic move to ban more than 218 million people from the United States and to deny entry to all refugees reverberated worldwide Saturday, as chaos and confusion rippled through US airports, American law enforcement agencies and foreign countries trying to grasp Washington’s new policy.”

New York Times: “First Travel Ban Order Left Officials Confused, Documents Show”

CNN: “The result was widespread confusion across the country on Saturday as airports struggled to adjust to the new directives.”

CNN: “World leaders and prominent figures have blasted US President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States as divisive, illegal, insulting and discriminatory.”

NPR: “President Trump has issued an executive order temporarily banning travel from seven Muslim-majority countries. The move, which has raised a series of legal questions, sparked protests around the country as people who had previously been approved to come to the United States were being detained at airports.”

Donald Trump has only doubled down on his hateful, extreme MAGA agenda, promising to not only revive but EXPAND his Muslim ban if he regains power.

Rolling Stone: “Trump 2024: Bring Back the ‘Muslim Ban’ — and Expand It”

New York Times: “Mr. Trump wants to revive his first-term border policies, including banning entry by people from certain Muslim-majority nations…”

CBS News: “Former President Trump said Friday for the first time publicly during the 2024 presidential campaign that he would bring back a travel ban ‘even bigger than before,’ alluding to his administration’s restrictions on travelers from heavily Muslim countries.”

The Guardian: “Doubling down on the hardline immigration policies that have long animated his base, Donald Trump on Monday vowed to bar refugees from Gaza and immediately expand his first-term Muslim travel ban if he wins a second term following the deadly attack on Israel last week.”

Trump campaigned in 2016 on an extreme promise to enact a “total and complete” Muslim ban if elected. 

NPR: “Trump Calls For ‘Total And Complete Shutdown Of Muslims Entering’ U.S.”

NBC News, December 2015: “Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump on Monday called for a ‘total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,’ the most dramatic response yet to the string of terrorist attacks that have Americans increasingly on edge.”

Trump has a long history of peddling Islamophobia, from his egregious comments to his inhumane policy proposals. 

CNN: “Trump’s history of anti-Muslim rhetoric hits dangerous new low”

“On Wednesday morning, President Donald Trump retweeted a series of anti-Muslim propaganda videos shared online by a high-ranking official in the ultra-nationalist UK political group Britain First.”

The Independent: “Donald Trump tweeted a link to Breitbart, ​a far-right website that peddles xenophobia and extremist ideologies, as a terrorist conducted a brutal massacre in New Zealand after releasing a manifesto that celebrated the US president as ‘a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.’

“The tragedy, in which two mosques were seemingly the target of a terrorist attack spearheaded by an Australian 28-year-old white male, occurred on Friday in Christchurch, New Zealand — the same day Breitbart featured an interview with Mr Trump on its homepage.”

New York Times: “Donald J. Trump belittled the parents of a slain Muslim soldier who had strongly denounced Mr. Trump during the Democratic National Convention, saying that the soldier’s father had delivered the entire speech because his mother was not ‘allowed’ to speak.”

As UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley defended Trump’s cruel and extreme Muslim travel ban. 

Politico: “President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, defended the administration’s new travel ban in an interview that aired Thursday, asserting that ‘it’s not a Muslim ban.’”