SHOT/CHASER: Comer Political Stunts All About Boosting Trump 2024 Campaign
May 23, 2023

James Comer yesterday embarrassingly admitted that MAGA Republicans’ politically motivated stunts are indeed designed to help Trump in 2024. Case in point — the Trump campaign is sending fundraising emails trying to make money off of Comer’s political sham “investigations.”
SHOT: James Comer was exposed for suggesting yesterday that House Republicans’ “investigations” are actually politically motivated stunts.
Huffington Post: “GOP Rep. James Comer Implies Biden Family Probe Is Really About Helping Trump In 2024”
Huffington Post: “Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) on Monday inadvertently implied that House Republicans’ high-profile investigation into President Joe Biden’s family members and their finances is actually about helping Donald Trump win the presidency in 2024. Comer, who is leading the GOP’s probe as chair of the House oversight and accountability committee, appeared to say the quiet part out loud during a ‘Fox & Friends First’ interview.”
Fox News: “So do you think that because of your investigation, that is what’s moved this needle with the media?”
Comer: “Absolutely. There’s no question. You look at the polling, and right now Donald Trump is seven points ahead of Joe Biden and trending upward, Joe Biden’s trending downward.”
Washington Post: “Comer also clearly alluded to the political gain from his probe, connecting it to people keeping up with the investigation and that being reflected in the polls. … Comer has repeatedly connected his investigations to Biden’s deliberations about running for president, suggesting it might affect Biden’s calculus.”
CHASER: Trump’s campaign is fundraising off of Comer and House Republicans’ stunts, which continue to be nothing more than spectacular failures.
Tommy Christopher, Mediaite: “As if on cue…
If there was any doubt that the Comer investigation was all about politics, this Trump fundraising email seal the deal 👇”