SHOT/CHASER: Comer Sinks Even Lower, Lies About His Attacks on President Biden’s Deceased Son
March 3, 2023

Just when you thought MAGA Republicans couldn’t go lower, James Comer smeared President Biden’s deceased son this week – and now he’s lying about it:
SHOT: Today during CPAC, James Comer denied his complaints that President Biden’s deceased son was never prosecuted.
The Independent: “The House Oversight Committee James Comer angrily denied lamenting that Beau Biden, the late son of President Joe Biden, should have faced criminal charges over a campaign finance scandal in which he was found not to have committed any wrongdoing whatsoever. […] ‘You need to watch the tape, that is a lie – the White House said that, that is not true, he said.”
CHASER: Comer launched a despicable attack on President Biden’s deceased son, and is being widely blasted for his comment, with veterans calling on him to apologize.
Daily Beast: “House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer invoked the late son of President Joe Biden on Tuesday, lamenting that Beau Biden was never prosecuted over an investigation into illegal contributions involving his father’s 2008 presidential campaign. […] Comer’s invocation of the president’s late son runs contrary to the GOP congressman’s repeated claims that he’s not interested in digging into any Bidens but the president himself.”
Common Defense: “Unacceptable that @RepJamesComer would attack the character of the late Beau Biden, who served with courage and distinction. We’re calling on Rep. Comer to issue an apology to the Beau Biden family, and our military families, for disparaging his service and legacy.”