SHOT/CHASER: Ron DeSantis’s Disastrous Economic Agenda Rollout

Ron DeSantis’s economic policy rollout was yet another trainwreck from his flailing campaign as he tried to spin the economic crisis Floridians are suffering under his watch. It’s no surprise that after years of lining the pockets of the ultra-wealthy and big corporations while Floridians struggle with skyrocketing housing, health care, and property insurance costs, DeSantis tried to hide his disastrous record from the American people once again.

SHOT: DeSantis claimed that he’s “done more in terms of our programs … than any governor has done” on affordable housing. 

CHASER: DeSantis has repeatedly given handouts to big insurance companies while Floridians face some of the highest property insurance and housing costs in the country.

Miami Herald: “Gov. Ron DeSantis and state lawmakers have responded by making it harder to sue insurance companies and assigning $3 billion to help them withstand storm seasons.”

Orlando Sentinel: “Many teachers, firefighters, nurses and other middle-class workers in Florida can’t afford the price of a new home, and those who have homes can’t afford the rising insurance costs, even for folks who live far from coastal zones that are prone to hurricanes and flooding.”

Politico: “Rising cost of living in not quite so free Florida”

CBS News: “Florida is the least affordable place to live in the U.S.”

WINK News: “Florida has the highest percentage of cost-burdened renters nationwide”

CNN: “In December, dozens of state Democratic lawmakers signed on to a letter asking DeSantis to declare a state of emergency and give the attorney general the authority to go after landlords for price gouging if they increase rents by more than 10%. To date, DeSantis hasn’t taken those steps.”

SHOT: When asked about Medicaid, DeSantis said the federal government should impose work requirements.

CHASER: DeSantis’s opposition to Medicaid expansion in Florida prevents hundreds of thousands of people from getting affordable care.

HuffPost: “While Ron DeSantis Is Fighting Culture Wars, Millions Of Floridians Are Losing Their Health Care”

Orlando Sentinel: “Florida is taking sick kids off Medicaid months before planned”

Kaiser Family Foundation: “If Florida were to expand its Medicaid program, 789,800 uninsured nonelderly adults would become eligible for coverage, 33% of the state’s uninsured nonelderly adult population.”

HuffPost: “DeSantis could do something about this. He has refused. In fact, as of this moment, his administration is embarking on a plan that some analysts worry could make the problem worse.”

HuffPost: “But [expanding Medicaid] has been a tough sell in Tallahassee, where Republicans have had nearly uninterrupted control of Florida’s lawmaking process since 1999. Two previous efforts to get expansion through the state legislature failed. DeSantis’ spokesperson confirmed in 2021 that he remained opposed to it.”