STATEMENT: DNC to RFK Jr.: We’re Still Waiting For Your Medical History and Tax Returns 

It’s been over a week since RFK Jr. committed to releasing more information about his medical history in an interview with Brian Tyler Cohen. It’s been nearly four weeks since the New York Times revealed a parasitic brain worm ate part of his brain and that he suffered years of cognitive damage from mercury poisoning. And still, we’re left with absolutely nothing from the candidate whose only role in this election is to be a spoiler for Donald Trump.

Despite promising to release more information about his medical history, RFK Jr. has so far delayed its release, along with his tax returns and latest personal financial disclosure

In response, DNC Senior Spokesperson Hannah Muldavin released the following statement: 

“A week after committing to release his medical records with nothing to show for it, we’re left wondering – what does RFK Jr. have to hide? It’s been almost a month since we’ve learned about a parasite eating part of his brain and his cognitive damage from years of mercury poisoning, and just like Donald Trump, we’re still waiting to see RFK Jr.’s tax returns. The American people deserve to know the truth about RFK Jr. – and it’s clear that he cannot be trusted to tell them.”