Thanks to President Biden’s Leadership, The American People Have Some Relief

After nearly two years of grappling with an economic crisis made worse by the previous administration’s failed handling of COVID-19, hardworking Americans finally have some relief. Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, millions of Americans are returning to work, supply chain bottlenecks are easing, and the administration has taken significant steps to lower oil prices across the nation.

Across the country, unemployment is down as more Americans return to work:

Axios Dallas: “Job numbers are up and unemployment is down in Texas”

Fox Baltimore: “Maryland added 14,900 jobs, unemployment rate inch downward to 5.7%”

The Kansas City Star: “Missouri, Kansas unemployment rates below national average. See your county’s rate”

OnlineAthens: “Unemployment rate in Georgia drops to 3.1%, the lowest in state’s history”

Today, President Biden announced the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in an effort to lower oil prices:

CNBC: “President Joe Biden said Tuesday that the administration will tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as part of a global effort from energy-consuming nations to calm 2021′s rapid rise in fuel prices.”

CNN: “Biden to release oil reserves to combat high gas prices”

CBS News: “Biden announces U.S. will release oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help lower gas prices”