The Republican Party Continues Its Unrelenting War On Reproductive Rights

Every day since the draft Supreme Court opinion indicating conservative justices are set to overturn Roe v. Wade, Republicans have indicated what their post-Roe world looks like – criminalizing abortion, throwing doctors in jail, and potentially jeopardizing some forms of birth control and IVF treatments.

Yesterday, the Republican-led Oklahoma legislature passed a near complete abortion ban – setting the stage for Oklahoma to become the first state to fully outlaw abortion while Roe v. Wade is still standing. 

Washington Post: “Oklahoma lawmakers pass bill banning abortions after ‘fertilization’”

New York Times: “Oklahoma Legislature Passes Bill Banning Almost All Abortions”

CNN: “Oklahoma lawmakers pass one of nation’s strictest abortion bills banning procedure ‘from fertilization’”

Axios: “The law could affect embryos created through the IVF process and some forms of birth control.” 

Across the country, Republicans are pushing extreme measures that would result in full-blown bans on abortion with NO EXCEPTIONS for rape or incest, criminalize abortion, and threaten jail time for doctors. 

CNN: “Nebraska GOP governor says he will call a special session to pass total abortion ban if Roe is overturned”

The 19th: “Republican state lawmakers prepare to quickly limit abortion access if Roe v. Wade is overturned”

PolitiFact: “Do Republicans want to throw doctors who break abortion laws in jail? Their plans say yes”

The Atlantic: “The GOP’s Strange Turn Against Rape Exceptions”

Poll after poll continues to show just how unpopular the Republican MAGA agenda on abortion is with the American people.

NPR: “Poll: Two-thirds say don’t overturn Roe; the court leak is firing up Democratic voters”

PBS: “Majority of Americans don’t want Roe overturned”

Forbes: “Overturning Roe V. Wade Makes Half Of Americans More Likely To Vote, Poll Finds As Most Oppose Harsh Abortion Restrictions”
