Tom Perez: ‘Democrats are Fighting to Preserve Our Democracy’

Washington, D.C. – This morning on ABC’s This Week and NBC’s Meet the Press, DNC Chair Tom Perez outlined the DNC’s effort to hold Russia, WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign accountable for their brazen attack on our democracy. 


VIDEO: Tom Perez on ABC This Week  



ABC News: “We have to deter misconduct,” Tom Perez told ABC News’ Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on “This Week” Sunday. “We've got elections coming up in November. It's hard to win elections when you have interference in elections. And they've done it with impunity. And I'm concerned that it's going to happen again.  The Democratic Party is working to create a “strong voter protection infrastructure,” Perez added. “And one way to make sure we protect voters this November is to make sure we are doing our level best to insure that interference never occurs again.”


The Democratic National Committee filed a sweeping lawsuit in federal court Friday alleging collusion between Russians and Trump campaign operatives in the 2016 election and naming the Russian government, the Trump campaign, Trump family members, WikiLeaks and others.   


“Over the course of the last year, we have seen story after story, brick after brick in the conspiracy between the Russians and the Trump campaign to affect the outcome of the election,” the DNC chief said. “We have a strong case. That's why we brought it.”


The Hill: “I'm confident we will get a jury trial,” Perez told NBC's Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press.  “This was an assault on our democracy and we have to protect that.  I'm punching back not only for my colleagues, I'm punching back for democracy,” he continued.


@MeetThePress: .@TomPerez: “I want to make sure we send a very clear signal,” on the DNC lawsuit against Trump campaign and Wikileaks. #MTP


@MeetThePress: “This was an assault on our democracy and we have to protect that,” @TomPerez on DNC lawsuit. #MTP


@ABCThisWeek: Why did the @DNC file a civil lawsuit against the Trump campaign and Russia? DNC Chair @TomPerez: “This government didn't impose sufficient costs because they were conspiring with the government of Russia, and we have to deter this conduct… that's why we're doing this.”


@ABCThisWeek:  DNC Chair @TomPerez says civil suit against Russia and Trump campaign would not interfere with special counsel probe: “I have great confidence in Director Mueller, but…I believe it’s critically important here to seek justice and to expose the truth in the civil justice system.”