Tom Perez on Passage of Border Wall Funding

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed a spending bill that included $1.6 billion in taxpayer funds for President Trump’s border wall:

“Donald Trump’s border wall is a massive waste of taxpayer money that will not make us safer. Like many of the president’s policies, this initiative is rooted in nothing more than prejudice and fearmongering. And as with so many of his campaign pledges, he has broken his promise to Americans that they wouldn’t pay a dime for this wall.

“We didn’t become the world’s brightest beacon of hope and opportunity by retreating into isolation. We did it by building bridges and tearing down walls. We did it by embracing diversity as our greatest strength. Those aren’t just the values of the Democratic Party. They’re the values that have always made America great.”



Tom Pérez acerca de la aprobación de fondos para el muro de la frontera

El Director del Comité Nacional Demócrata, Tom Pérez, dio a conocer la siguientes declaraciones después de que la Cámara de Representantes aprobara un proyecto de ley de gastos que incluye 1,600 millones de dólares en fondos de contribuyentes para la construcción del muro fronterizo prometido por el presidente Trump:


“El muro de Donald Trump es una pérdida masiva del dinero de los contribuyentes que no hará a nuestras comunidades más seguras. Como muchas de las políticas del presidente, esta iniciativa tiene sus raíces en nada más que prejuicios y temor. Y como otras de sus promesas de campaña, Trump ha incumplido la promesa que hizo a los estadounidenses de que no pagarían un centavo por este muro.

“Estados Unidos no se convirtió en el más brillante faro de esperanza y oportunidad aislándose de otros países. Lo hicimos construyendo puentes y derribando muros; lo hicimos adoptando la diversidad como nuestra mayor fortaleza. No son sólo los valores del Partido Demócrata, son los valores que siempre han hecho que los Estados Unidos sean un país grandioso.”

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed a spending bill that included $1.6 billion in taxpayer funds for President Trump’s border wall:

“Donald Trump’s border wall is a massive waste of taxpayer money that will not make us safer. Like many of the president’s policies, this initiative is rooted in nothing more than prejudice and fearmongering. And as with so many of his campaign pledges, he has broken his promise to Americans that they wouldn’t pay a dime for this wall.

“We didn’t become the world’s brightest beacon of hope and opportunity by retreating into isolation. We did it by building bridges and tearing down walls. We did it by embracing diversity as our greatest strength. Those aren’t just the values of the Democratic Party. They’re the values that have always made America great.”