Trump Claims Farmers Are Happy With Him, Farmers Say That’s ‘B.S.’

Last week, Trump claimed “now it’s really working out” for farmers who have it “nice and easy” because of his policies — it’s not. Farmers know that the Trump administration is not helping them, and as one farmer said, “it’s time for them to put their money where their mouth is.”

Farmers across the country see through Trump’s lies and broken promises:

“We’ve been promised a lot of things throughout these negotiations and not all of them have come to fruition.” – Missouri soybean farmer

“We get this new story that we’re going to have this great deal as we had back in the spring, and then the Chinese went home, and a week later, it went away. Then we didn’t have negotiations for several months, so once bitten, twice shy.” – Missouri soybean farmer

“I’d probably be lying if I said some of us aren’t scratching our heads every once in a while. I sometimes wonder if [Trump]he didn’t bite off a little more than he could chew.” – Kansas farmer

“It is rather disheartening to hear the administration talking about small businesses being the backbone of rural America… farmers are small businesses. Talk is cheap, now it is time for them to put their money where their mouth is.” – Retired Wisconsin dairy farmer

“For him to say that he’s helping farmers is really B.S. too, because the amount of money we get back is between 20 and 23 percent of what we are losing.” – Wisconsin farmers union president