Trump Continues To Over-Sell and Under-Deliver

Trump brags a lot about his coronavirus response, but when it’s time to actually deliver, he keeps coming up short.

The Trump administration’s rollout of its small business loan program is off to a rocky start, with banks saying they’re not ready yet.

Washington Post: “Banks struggle with confusing rules on small business stimulus loans”

New York Times: “Small-Business Relief Effort ‘a Mess’”

CNBC: “White House says small business lending will begin Friday, but JPMorgan says it’s not ready”

The Trump administration substantially scaled back paid leave requirements for employers.

New York Times: “The Trump administration has substantially scaled back paid leave requirements for employers that were created by a new coronavirus relief law, effectively exempting many small businesses in a move that infuriated lawmakers who had fought to expand the benefit.”

The hospital ships Trump has touted have sat mostly empty as hospitals struggle to find space for thousands of infected patients.

New York Times: “On Thursday, though, the huge white vessel, which officials had promised would bring succor to a city on the brink, sat mostly empty, infuriating executives at local hospitals. The ship’s 1,000 beds are largely unused, its 1,200-member crew mostly idle. Only 20 patients had been transferred to the ship, officials said, even as New York hospitals struggled to find space for the thousands infected with the coronavirus. Another Navy hospital ship, the U.S.N.S. Mercy, docked in Los Angeles, has had a total of 15 patients, officials said.”

Despite unprecedented unemployment numbers, many Americans may have to wait months for the relief they were promised.

NBC News: “Many Americans may have to wait months for coronavirus relief checks”

CNN: “Americans likely won’t begin to see direct payments from the coronavirus stimulus bill until at least April 13 and it could take 20 weeks for all the checks to be mailed, Trump administration officials told lawmakers, according to a House Democratic memo obtained by CNN.”