Trump Cut Global Health Funding As Coronavirus Spreads

The Trump administration is scrambling to respond to coronavirus after Trump proposed budget cuts to critical health funding, and removed top health officials who would’ve led our response to this pandemic.

Trump’s budget would cut HHS funding by nearly 10%.

Washington Post: “The 2021 budget request delivered Monday to Congress includes a nearly 10 percent cut to Health and Human Services and a 26 percent cut to the Environmental Protection Agency.”

Trump’s budget would cut CDC funding by almost 16%.

Washington Post: “The budget request would trim funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by almost 16 percent.”

Trump’s budget would cut U.S. funding to the World Health Organization by more than half.

ABC News: “The proposal would also cut funding to the World Health Organization by 53% and to the Pan American Health Organization by 75%.”

Trump’s budget would cut $3 billion from the U.S. government’s global health programs.

ABC News: “Amid two global health crises, the Trump administration has proposed cutting $3 billion from the U.S. government’s global health programs in its latest budget request.”

Trump eliminated the White House team responsible for leading the U.S. response to deadly pandemics.

Washington Post: “The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.”