Trump Gives Up On Coronavirus As His Failures Continue To Pile Up
June 2, 2020
Trump has failed to lead a nation in crisis. Trump has moved on from the coronavirus pandemic, once again making this crisis worse than it needed to be.
Trump has not met with Dr. Fauci, one of the top members of his coronavirus task force, in two weeks.
CNN: “Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the most prominent members of the White House coronavirus task force, said on Monday that he has not spoken to or met with President Donald Trump in two weeks. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, added that that his contact with the President has become much less frequent.”
Trump is getting rid of the administration’s coronavirus testing czar position as our country still lacks adequate testing capacity.
NPR: “Adm. Brett Giroir told a meeting of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS that he will be ‘demobilized’ from his role overseeing coronavirus testing at FEMA in a few weeks and going back to his regular post at the Department of Health and Human Services. An HHS spokesperson confirmed the plan for Giroir to stand down from his role and indicated that there are no plans to appoint a new ‘head of efforts’ for coronavirus testing.”
Trump wasted yet another month and instead of addressing the public health crisis, Trump is trying to ignore it.
Washington Post: “Those two days in May encapsulate how Trump spent the fifth month of the coronavirus crisis: increasingly shaken by a pandemic he could not control; offering no more than fleeting expressions of grief or empathy; quick to assign blame to others; enraged by grievances and feuds; dismissive of health guidelines; and concerned, above all, about his diminished reelection prospects. Facing in the virus an enemy he could not tweet into submission, Trump was desperate to change the subject.”
Trump’s failed response continues to pile up. His administration mismanaged delivery of a treatment and touted a mask decontamination system that doesn’t work.
New York Daily News: “Trump administration bungled timely delivery of remdesivir to N.Y. hospitals in battle against coronavirus”
Washington Post: “The Trump administration mishandled the initial distribution of the only approved coronavirus medication, delaying treatment to some critically ill patients with covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, according to nine current and former senior administration officials.”
Wall Street Journal: “Hundreds of thousands of respirator masks to protect against coronavirus have been sent through a decontamination system that has triggered warnings from front-line workers and has so far cost the government more than $110 a mask.”
Trump failed to ensure the quality of antibody testing and his plan for drive-up testing has yielded few results.
NPR: “Trump’s Plan For Drive-Up COVID-19 Tests At Stores Yields Few Results”
USA Today: “For nine critical weeks during the pandemic, the agency exercised little of its power to decide which companies could sell blood tests aimed at detecting whether someone was previously infected. In that vacuum of oversight, USA TODAY — in the most thorough independent review to date — found a nascent industry with inexperienced or dubious companies jockeying to cash in.”