Trump Knows His ACA Lawsuit Would Be Devastating
January 14, 2020
Trump keeps lying about preexisting condition protections because he knows how devastating his lawsuit to dismantle the entire Affordable Care Act, including these vital protections, would be. It’s also why his administration objected to the Supreme Court immediately taking up the lawsuit, so that he can wait to suffer the political blowback of taking Americans’ health care away until after the 2020 election.
Trump continues to lie about improving Americans’ health care and protecting people with preexisting conditions.
Trump: “I stand stronger than anyone in protecting your Healthcare with Pre-Existing Conditions.”
Trump: “If Republicans win in court and take back the House of Represenatives, your healthcare, that I have now brought to the best place in many years, will become the best ever, by far. I will always protect your Pre-Existing Conditions, the Dems will not!”
He’s doing the opposite. Trump supports a lawsuit that would dismantle the entire ACA, including its preexisting condition protections.
Associated Press: “AP FACT CHECK: No, Trump didn’t save preexisting conditions”
Washington Post: “This is lunacy. We’ve shown that Trump has worked hard to weaken these protections. … This traffic jam of false claims ends up in a crash worthy of Four Pinocchios.”
Trump knows how devastating his lawsuit would be. That’s why he lies about it and wants to delay a potentially catastrophic ruling on it until after the election.
New York Times: “Trump Administration Says Obamacare Lawsuit Can Wait Until After the Election”
New York Times: “The Trump administration came into office with its top legislative priority clear: Repeal the Affordable Care Act. It failed. Then, when a group of Republican states tried to throw out Obamacare through a lawsuit, the administration agreed that a key part of the law was unconstitutional. But now that defenders of the law have asked the Supreme Court to settle the case quickly, the president’s lawyers say they are in no particular hurry. The case, which seeks to invalidate the entire health care law, can wait for the lower courts to consider certain questions more carefully, they said in a filing to the Supreme Court on Friday.”