Trump Plays Golf As He Threatens Vaccine Distribution And Allows COVID-19 To Surge Uncontrolled

As the coronavirus surges uncontrolled across the country, and deaths soar while hospitalizations hit new record highs, Trump refuses to do anything to help. Case in point: He skipped a G-20 meeting on the coronavirus this weekend to play golf. To make matters worse, Trump continues to block President-elect Biden’s transition, which experts say harms public health and threatens vaccine distribution.

The head of Operation Warp Speed says “of course” it would be better for public health if Trump would begin President-elect Biden’s transition.

TAPPER: “As a purely public health matter, if you were able to talk with the incoming Biden administration, this handoff would go smoother than being denied that ability.” DR. SLAOUI: “Of course. You know, smoothness is what we all aim for, therefore it would be better.”

CNBC: “Trump coronavirus vaccine chief has had ‘no contact’ with Biden transition team”

Trump’s refusal to begin President-elect Biden’s transition threatens to make coronavirus vaccine distribution even more difficult.

Washington Post: “Now comes the hardest part: Getting a coronavirus vaccine from loading dock to upper arm”

Washington Post: “Further complicating the logistics: the continued intrusion of politics. The Trump administration has not given information about vaccine distribution to the Biden transition team, Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain said in an interview Sunday on ABC’s ‘This Week,’ adding to the potential for disruption.”

Trump skipped a G-20 session on global coronavirus response efforts and pandemic preparedness to play golf as cases and deaths soar and hospitalizations hit new records.

Business Insider: “Trump skipped a coronavirus meeting with G20 leaders to play golf”

CNN: “The United States surpassed 12 million coronavirus cases on Saturday, adding nearly 200,000 more to its staggering count. Trump has made no mention of the terrifying milestone. Rather, he spent part of the day golfing.”

Wall Street Journal: “U.S. Hospitalization Count Sets 13th Straight Daily Record”

Associated Press: “Daily COVID-19 deaths in US reach highest level since May”