Trump to MAGA Minions: Give Me Money and Emotional Support 🥺👉👈

As Donald Trump’s MAGA minions desperately try to prove themselves to him tonight, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:

“After spending all day trying to provide the smallest man who ever lived with emotional support in Lower Manhattan, Donald Trump’s MAGA minions are desperately trying to prove themselves to him by cozying up to his billionaire buddies in an effort to save his flailing, cash-strapped campaign. This motley crew of third-rate politicians and conspiracy theorists is in lockstep in pushing an extreme agenda to rig the economy for the ultra-wealthy, ban abortion nationwide, and undermine our democracy. With Trump at the top of the ticket and this pathetic parade of extremists falling in line behind him, Republicans are making it clear that Trump’s MAGA GOP is just as out of touch and unpopular as the billionaires they’re begging for money from.”

Donald Trump is relying on his MAGA minions to help his cash-strapped campaign and provide him with emotional support – and they are desperately obliging.

Fox News: “VP hopefuls dueling for dollars as they show off their fundraising clout for Trump”

“As they audition for the role of Donald Trump’s running mate, potential vice presidential nominees are showing off their ability to help the former president raise much-needed campaign cash.

“Closed-door fundraisers with top-dollar Republican donors appear to be the latest screen test venue for those vying to land on the GOP ticket alongside Trump, joining a list that includes teaming up with the former president at his rallies and showing up at his criminal trial in New York City in support of Trump.

“Four potential running mates — Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Govs. Doug Burgum of North Dakota and Kristi Noem of South Dakota and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy — will team up with the former president Tuesday night in New York City at a fundraising dinner for Trump as he aims to narrow his fundraising deficit with President Biden in their 2024 election rematch.”

Axios: “Trump grip tightens with high-profile loyalty test”

NBC News: “Trump’s vice presidential contenders show their support — and loyalty — in court”

Trump is spending his time golfing at Mar-a-Lago or in backroom fundraisers with billionaires rather than talking to voters on the campaign trail.

Axios: “Trump’s basement campaign”

Associated Press: “As Biden tours the country and visits swing states, Trump is fundraising and playing golf”

NBC News: “Trump tells billionaires he’ll keep their taxes low at $50 million fundraising gala”

CNN: “Trump has spent most of his court-free days without public campaign events”

Daily Beast: “Trump Claimed Trial Interferes With His Campaign, but on His Day Off He Went Golfing”

Trump’s campaign and the RNC remain in organizational disarray.

Washington Examiner: “Trump’s trimmed-down campaign has swing state operatives worried”

Axios: “Trump’s team is behind in organizing state staffs, in part because his takeover of the Republican National Committee involved ousting many RNC staffers.”

The Dispatch: “RNC-Trump Campaign Field Program Runs Aground”

“Neither the [RNC] nor the Trump campaign has much infrastructure or personnel in the swing states that will decide the November 5 election

“That means few if any regional and local campaign headquarters; little to no deployed field staff; and little to no traditional voter turnout activities, such as door-knocking, phone banking, or volunteer organizing. Even after the Trump-led RNC’s reimagined field program eventually emerges, their strategy is to concentrate almost exclusively on the half-dozen states that will determine Trump’s fate. Republicans elsewhere? They’re on their own… 

“The field program is lagging, especially compared to the voter turnout operation stood up by President Joe Biden…

“We checked in with Republican operatives in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. They see little evidence, if any, that typical get-out-the-vote activities—including voter registration and volunteer recruitment and training—are happening. Nor have they seen any signs that there is staff on the ground to conduct such activities. They say they do not expect the RNC to address the problem anytime soon.”

NBC News: “Biden is building a behemoth of a campaign. Trump at this point seems to be playing catch-up.”

“Trump’s advisers would not disclose staffing levels, but his ground game still seems to be at a nascent stage.”

Daily Beast: “While the new RNC leadership has centered its messaging on a combination of Trump-centric fundraising and budgetary cuts, the latest filings don’t yet reflect significant changes on either end. On the spending side, the latest filings show that the RNC’s operating budget actually increased by nearly $1.2 million over the previous month… A closer look at the RNC’s own filings reveals some persistent hidden weaknesses.”

Financial Times: “Donald Trump falls $75mn behind Joe Biden in money race as donor base shrinks”

Associated Press: “Trump’s political operation is struggling to catch up to Biden on fundraising and organization.”