Trump’s Crooks, Cranks, and Convicts: Ronna McDaniel Put Our Democracy at Risk With Her Lies and Whitewashing Trump’s Attacks on the 2020 Election
March 25, 2024

This week, we’re highlighting some of the crooks, cranks, and convicts that make up Donald Trump’s MAGA GOP. Kicking off today with former RNC chair and full-time liar Ronna McDaniel, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:
“Ronna McDaniel can’t whitewash her record like she’s tried to whitewash history after spending years conspiring with Donald Trump to threaten our democracy and spread lies about the 2020 election. As RNC chair, Ronna enabled the full-scale MAGA takeover of the Republican Party by extremists, grifters, liars, and conspiracy theorists. Make no mistake: Ronna didn’t abandon MAGA, she was fired because she was bad at her job – but she’s no less extreme than the revolving door of liars and MAGA extremists that she left behind. The American people are ready to reject all of them at the ballot box this November, even if NBC won’t.”
Ronna McDaniel spent years promoting lies about the 2020 election – and could face legal trouble for her role in reportedly pressuring election officials to challenge the result of the 2020 election.
CNN: “In her role as RNC chief, McDaniel also fanned the flames of election denialism after the 2020 presidential contest.
“McDaniel was involved in a phone call in 2020 to pressure Michigan county officials not to certify the vote from the Detroit area, where Joe Biden had a commanding lead. McDaniel told the officials, regarding the certification: ‘Do not sign it. … We will get you attorneys.’”
Newsweek: “The chair of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel, has been pulled into Donald Trump’s legal quagmire after a report claimed she was involved in efforts to pressure Michigan election officials to challenge the result of the 2020 election.”
Salon: “Law professor: RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel could face legal ‘trouble’ after damning phone call”
Detroit News: “Ronna McDaniel defends call pressuring canvassers not to sign 2020 election certification”
Washington Post: “The head of the GOP is still elevating 2020 election skepticism”
McDaniel’s new gig is unsurprisingly off to a disastrous start thanks to her dishonest track record whitewashing attacks on our democracy.
Igor Bobic, HuffPost: “McDaniel says that she doesn’t hold Trump responsible for Jan. 6, that she didn’t speak out earlier because ‘you kind of take one for the whole team,’ fine w/ donors paying his legal bills, & won’t say if she regrets telling election workers not to certify”
CNN: “NBC hires former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, who has demonized the press and refused to acknowledge Biden was fairly elected”
Washington Post: “Ronna McDaniel faces sharp criticism after NBC hiring — including on NBC”
Politico: “NBC’s McDaniel mess threatens to explode”