Trump’s MAGA Veepstakes: Tim Scott LOVES Junk Fees – And Thinks You Will Too!

In response to Trump VP contender Tim Scott saying he doesn’t think the American people are opposed to junk fees, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“Only a Trump VP contender and MAGA extremist like Tim Scott would be so shamelessly out of touch to defend junk fees and higher costs for hardworking Americans. While President Biden has delivered for the American people by cracking down on junk fees and lowering costs, Scott is trying to out-MAGA the rest of the veepstakes field by pushing Donald Trump’s extreme, expensive, and failed MAGAnomics agenda that puts the ultra-wealthy and mega corporations ahead of working families.”

NEW: Trump VP contender Tim Scott doesn’t think that the American people are opposed to junk fees… 

Scott: “If you say the word junk fees, you assume that those junk fees are just unnecessary. I’m not sure that the average business person and/or the consumer would see the late fees, the overdraft fees, and non-sufficient fund fees as junk fees.”

… and he couldn’t be more wrong: President Biden’s actions to cut junk fees are popular across the political spectrum – even two-thirds of Republicans in battleground states back President Biden’s agenda to help Americans’ pocketbooks. 

Navigator Research: “Nearly Nine in Ten Battleground Constituents Want Congress to Pass Laws Banning or Limiting Junk Fees”

“By a 79-point margin, nearly nine in ten battleground constituents support congressional action on junk fees.

“Nearly three in four battleground constituents believe that it is important for Congress to address hidden and unexpected fees (73 percent), including 85 percent of Democrats and 67 percent of both independents and Republicans. An even larger share — 87 percent — support Congress passing a ban on hidden and unexpected fees altogether, while just 8 percent are opposed. Support for congressional action is strong across partisanship, including 95 percent of Democrats, 85 percent of independents, and 81 percent of Republicans.”

Data For Progress: “We also tested support for the Junk Fee Prevention Act, which would ban hidden or extra fees on items like cable and cell phone bills, apartment rental applications, and concert and sporting event tickets. We find that the proposal is overwhelmingly popular, with support from 77% of voters — including 81% of Democrats, 78% of Independents, and 72% of Republicans.”

Morning Consult: “A new Morning Consult survey shows Biden’s proposals have bipartisan support, with clear majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents saying Congress should pass laws limiting these so-called ‘junk fees.’ Overall, about 3 in 4 Americans support the measures.”

Navigator Research: “More than three in five independents (64%) and Republicans (62%) support Biden and Democrats’ Junk Fees Prevention Act. … Even higher shares support their plan to lower limits on credit card late fees (74% independents, 68% Republicans).”

Global Strategy Group: “Costs remain Americans’ top concern, and most believe the Administration’s work to crack down on ‘price gouging’ and eliminate ‘hidden junk fees’ will lower costs for them. Two thirds (68%) say hidden junk fees are a growing problem, and 60% also believe ‘crack[ing] down on price gouging by banning hidden junk fees’ would be effective at lowering costs.”

Trump’s MAGA allies like Tim Scott are DOUBLING DOWN on railing against President Biden’s actions that are lowering costs for hardworking families. 

Politico: “Consumer advocates warn Republicans on CFPB rule — House Financial Services is planning to vote today on a GOP-led measure to block the CFPB’s credit card late fee cap. Ahead of the markup, 90 consumer groups are urging lawmakers to oppose the resolution.”

Bloomberg: “Trump Ally Tim Scott Seeks to Block Biden Credit Card Late Fee Cap”

“A key Donald Trump ally is seeking a Senate vote to block a new Biden administration rule capping credit card late fees, targeting a high-profile initiative in the president’s campaign to crack down on unpopular ‘junk fees.’ Senator Tim Scott, a potential Trump vice presidential pick and the top Republican on the Banking Committee, said Tuesday he would push the Senate to take action to block the new regulation, to be announced Tuesday at a meeting of the White House Competition Council.

“House Financial Services Chairman Patrick McHenry of North Carolina also opposed the new rule in a statement … ‘The Biden Administration continues to weaponize financial regulators to play politics in an election year,’ McHenry said.”

CNN: “Credit card late fees capped at $8 as part of Biden crackdown on junk fees”

“Federal regulators finalized a rule on Tuesday to cap most credit card late fees at $8 as part of a broader push by the Biden administration to eliminate junk fees.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau estimates the new regulation, first proposed last summer, will save families more than $10 billion a year by cutting fees from an average of $32.”

Newsweek: “Credit Card Fees Slashed for Millions of Americans”

Trump’s VP contenders support his disastrous MAGAnomics agenda that rigged the economy for the ultra-wealthy and failed hardworking Americans.

Tim Scott: “We make the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act tax cuts permanent.”

Doug Burgum: “I believe in these economic policies, I believe the tax bill is a great thing.”

Marco Rubio: “Overall, the Republican tax-cut bill has been good for Americans. That is why I voted for it.”

Tom Cotton: “Trump’s tax cuts helped deliver the strongest economy in recent history.”

CNBC: “Ben Carson leads prayer for tax cuts at Trump Cabinet meeting”

KOTA: “Republicans are calling President Trump’s tax plan the biggest tax overhaul in history. … Representative Kris[ti] Noem was a big part in pushing this bill.”

Fox Business: “Trump’s tax policies have worked out for all of America: Rep. Byron Donalds

Vivek Ramaswamy on a suggestion to make permanent or expand the Trump tax cuts: “I’d go a little further, Larry, than that, to be honest with you.”

Alabama Political Reporter: “Katie Britt on Monday released a memo with her policy positions … [including] a bill to make permanent the individual tax cuts and extend the expanded standard deduction contained in President Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. … a pro-growth tax reform bill reducing business tax rates, repealing the Death Tax, and making the expensing of capital assets permanent. … a bill to repeal the state and local tax deduction.”

Wesley Hunt: “I supported the 2017 Tax Reform bill.”