Trump’s New Testing ‘Strategy’ Is Not Nearly Enough

At tonight’s briefing, Trump presented a new testing “strategy” that would still only test a small fraction of each state’s population. Trump’s failure to test is getting in the way of our ability to reopen the economy.

Almost two months after promising “anybody that wants a test can get a test,” Trump’s new testing strategy would only test 2% of a state’s residents. 

TRUMP on MARCH 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That’s what the bottom line is.”

CBS News’s Kathryn Watson: “At a rate of 2% of the population per month, it would take a little more than 4 years to test the entire U.S. population. Now, states of course are expected to find their own tests as well.”

Trump continues to pass the buck for his testing failure onto the states and claims governors already have enough tests and testing supplies. 

CNN: “The White House says the federal government should act as the ‘supplier of last resort’ for coronavirus tests as it works with states to ramp up a testing regime that health experts say is necessary before a national reopening.”

Washington Post: “Nearly one-third of governors over the past week have said they lack sufficient coronavirus testing supplies to reopen their states, according to a Fix analysis of public statements.”

CNBC: “The Trump administration unveiled a new strategy Monday to help states ramp up their capacity to test for coronavirus, claiming most of its work is done, according to new documents. … It outlines eight responsibilities that it says belong to the federal government, and claims to have already completed seven of these.”

Trump refused to take responsibility for floating the dangerous and wrong idea that ingesting disinfectants could be a treatment for coronavirus.

CNN’s Jim Sciutto: “President Trump says he takes no responsibility for a spike in people using disinfectants improperly after he suggested ingesting disinfectant as a cure for the coronavirus last week. ‘I can’t imagine why,’ Trump said when asked about the increase, ‘I can’t imagine why.’”