Trump’s Testing Lie: ‘We Have Prevailed’

At today’s press briefing, Trump tried to claim the U.S. had enough testing capacity for everyone in the country. Maybe Trump is confusing America with the White House, where Trump is protected by a system of testing and robust contact tracing that he hasn’t provided to the American people.

Ignoring his continued testing failures and broken promises, Trump claimed “We have prevailed” on testing.

The Daily Beast’s Sam Stein: “Trump declared today that the country has ‘prevailed’ on the matter of testing.  Trump also declared on MARCH 6: ‘Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That’s what the bottom line is.’ We haven’t met that benchmark he set two months ago.”

Trump celebrated 300,000 tests per day, when he previously claimed we would soon hit 5 million tests per day, and experts agree we still need far more testing to reopen safely.

PBS NewsHour’s Yamiche Alcindor: “President Trump begins his Rose Garden briefing by praising his administration’s testing efforts saying the U.S is doing 300K tests per day and saying that number will go up ‘substantially.’”

CNBC: “President Donald Trump said [on April 28] the U.S. will ‘very soon’ run 5 million coronavirus tests per day, even as the lack of testing remains an obstacle for many states anxious to reopen for business.”

New York Times: “But that is still far less than many experts say is needed to safely reopen the country. To spot outbreaks early, one Harvard model recommends conducting 20 million tests a day nationwide. And Paul M. Romer, a Nobel Prize-winning economist at New York University, has called for daily rapid tests for every worker in contact with others — meaning 20 to 30 million tests a day. Regardless of the availability of tests, the United States also has nowhere near enough contact tracers for adequate surveillance.”

Trump once again falsely claimed all Americans who want a test can get a test — which a White House task force member had to correct.

Bloomberg News’s Josh Wingrove: “‘They should all be able to get a test right now,’ Trump says of Americans. This is absolutely not true. Testing is still being prioritized in places for certain groups, like symptomatic people, health workers and residents of nursing homes.”

CNN’s Daniel Dale: “Giroir says anyone who needs a test can get a test — but specifies that needs refers to symptomatic people and people who are being contact-traced. (Asymptomatic people are being tested at the White House.)”

Trump wants Americans to go to work without the widespread testing he has in the White House, even though coronavirus is spreading among his administration even with frequent testing.

Trump: “I think [the White House outbreak] is very well contained & part of the reason it is is because of all the tests we give.”

NPR’s Domenico Montanaro: “Trump continues to deflect when asked when ALL Americans will have access to the same daily testing as the White House. He complains reporters would be unhappy if they didn’t have enough tests at the WH. Not the point at all and does not answer the question.”

Trump took credit for sending money to states for testing that was secured by Democrats in Congress — and should have been released weeks ago.

CNBC’s Christina Wilkie: “Trump says govt is sending $1 billion to states and territories to help with testing. On an earlier call with reporters, WH officials said it was $11 billion. Appears Trump misread his notes. PS – That $11 billion is from the CARES Act last month. Not from WH. Not new money.”

Washington Post: “Democrats fought successfully for money in the bill for hospitals and testing.”

NBC News’s Kelly O’Donnell: “The president is announcing the federal government will provide testing supplies to states.  Governors have been asking for this for weeks.”