WATCH: AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond, Local Union Plumber Slam Trump’s Record Ahead of Visit to Erie, PA 

Today, AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond and T.J. Sandell of Erie, PA, a union plumber with Plumbers Local 27 and President of the Great Lakes Building and Construction Trades Council, held a press call blasting Donald Trump’s extreme MAGA agenda and failed economic record ahead of his visit to Erie tonight. During the call, Redmond and Sandell highlighted Trump’s anti-worker record and praised President Biden’s record of delivering for working people.


Read highlights from the press call below:

  • “The truth is this: Donald Trump doesn’t care about workers. Trump undermined workers’ rights. Trump rolled back workplace safety rules. Cut employment and job training programs. Incentivized companies to ship jobs overseas while rigging the economy for the wealthy and big corporations. He delivered massive tax giveaways to the extremely rich and big corporations while not lifting a finger to help struggling working people in Erie and so many other communities around the country. That’s Donald Trump’s record of failure. Working people know the difference between delivering for workers and delivering hot air. And workers know we have a champion in the White House in President Joe Biden. That’s the truth,” said AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond. “President Biden has our back and that’s why we will have his back in 2024, so that he can continue to build an economy that works for all working people.”
  • “Donald Trump ran for president on a promise to stand up for workers, but I watched firsthand as he spent four years letting down working families in Pennsylvania and across the country… Let’s look at the effects of Trump’s policies that hit us hard in Pennsylvania. His failure in handling the pandemic had a catastrophic effect on Pennsylvania’s economy. The Trump tax plan threw crumbs to Pennsylvania’s workers while creating $2T in tax breaks for the wealthy that added over 30% to our national debt. He shrunk Pennsylvania’s manufacturing jobs by over 23,000 in 4 years. Specifically, he left us here in Erie County with fewer manufacturing jobs than when he took office,” said T.J. Sandell of Erie, PA, a union plumber with Plumbers Local 27 and President of the Great Lakes Building and Construction Trades Council. “Joe Biden has been a champion for working people his entire career, he’s the only person we can trust to look out for the working people of Pennsylvania and this country.”